Slavery Week.

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The first thing that Yeri did the next morning, was calling her dad. She informed him that she won't visit him or the hospital for a week. She sighed while hanging up and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Week of slavery didn't start well, we don't have enough groceries to last for a week so apparently someone has to dress-up like a detective and actually go for it" Wendy complained. The members and the people around them like to call these kinds of weeks 'slavery weeks'.

"Fine, I'll go" Seulgi sighed.

Irene: "No Seulgi, I don't think that's a good idea. You've already been lectured, it'll be worse if they recognise you. I'll go, I'm actually thinking of visiting manager-nim today in his office. So I'll just go for grocery shopping after the visit."

On these situations Irene visits their manager at his office just to calm things down between him and the group. She actually goes there and apologises. She is the most accurate member for this, not only because she's the leader, but also because she's the closest to their manager as co-workers.

The members agreed with their leader, hoping that her plan will work.

Yeri: "If my mom wakes up this week I'll go visit her and I don't care about any extra punishments, I've been waiting for this for almost two months now."

"I hope she will,  I also think that Irene unnie will make things better and you'll get the chance to see her." Seulgi winked at Irene who flashed a smile. They finished their breakfast.

"I'll go to manager-nim's office now and I'll come back with the groceries, Wendy did you make a list?" Irene asked.

"Yep here it is" She handed her the grocery list "Good luck" Wendy added.

Irene wasn't sure that she will convice him to forgive them this time, but she would try. Mostly for Yeri, her mom might wake up sooner or later and it's about time for Yeri to comeback with the cheerful, filled with energy and noisy maknae she was a couple of months ago.

She knocked the door, went in and sat down on the sit across his office. It always felt like they have a friendly relationship when they're alone, he wasn't so bossy around her and Irene was more comfortable around him than any other staff who's working for the group.

Irene cleared her throat. "So, do we have any chance?" She asked.

"You know that this doesn't depend on me. I'm just following orders, I wasn't the one who decided to give you this harsh schedule for the week."

"I know.." Irene said and waited for his answer.

"Well, I tried to convince the sunbaes to not be that strict but apparently they were absolute with their decision. Plus, if I tell them that this is not totally your fault, it will all turn out to Taeyeon and it will cause a lot of trouble to her out of nowhere." He said.

"Are you kidding me? You didn't say anything about Taeyeon? Not even that she invided us?" Irene's nerves were starting to boil.

"Why would I do that? That way she gets punished too." He said.

"You're supposed to tell the truth. I don't want her to get in trouble either but she's the one who invided us and that's why we thought that you allowed us to go to that stupid party. I really don't want to blame her but that way we look more guilty.. I mean it's even worse saying that we just went there by ourselves." Irene was feeling a bit guilty, she didn't want Taeyeon to get blamed but it will ease Red Velvet's strict week.

"She is about to release a new single, it will be the worse start for her promotions, I'm not going to do that." He replied.

"But..But you're supposed to manage Red Velvet's life not Taeyeon's why don't you just leave her manager do what needs to be done after telling the truth?But it's always been SNSD hasn't it?" Irene said mysteriously and annoyed at the same time.

"Look, I might be Red Velvet's manager but this doesn't mean that I'm working only for you. I'm still working for SM, which means that I have to look out for each of my move and how this affects the other SM artists. And what is that supposed to mean?" He said, starting to get annoyed himself.

"Oh c'mon SNSD have always been your favorite in this entertainment. Or shall I mention your obsession with Taeyeon since our debut? It's because they're who they are and nothing else. I dont believe you." Irene was suprised by her words too. It was the first time she speaks to him like that, and didn't know what exactly made her that angry.

The manager literally hit his hand against the desk and raised his voice. "If I say the whole truth then more SM artist will get into a slavery week , you idiot. Ever since I got this job I promised to myself that I will only lie to my sunbae's just to ease the strict schedules for as many Idols as I can. Red Velvet is on a break and Taeyeon is working on her new single which schedule would you think is worse for now? You won't tell me how to do my own job."

Irene pressed her lips and sighed at the thought that they literally have no chance to get rid of this week.

"I mean, it's just a week why are you being like this.." Manager tried to sound calm.

"There's obviously a reason, or else I wouldn't even be here." Irene answered coldly.

"I'm sorry but I won't help you with this one, just be patient it'll pass."  He tried to encourage her.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to speak to you like that." Irene apologised and felt the friendly atmosphere again. Did he see her as a friend? Irene got curious for a second.

"It's okay, I was actually expecting that you will come here and have this reaction, I think I've learnt a lot about your personality through these years." He said and smiled at her.

"It won't happen again, manager-nim." She said and stand up as she was about to leave.

"Just call me Bogum when we're alone, it just sounds weird when you talk formally to me." She was walking towards the door and immediately stopped when she heard him say that. She turned to look at him suprised. Maybe he sees her as a friend after all.

"Okay, have a great day Bogum." She smiled and left the room.

Even though she tried her best, she couldn't get back to dorm with great news. She knows when she loses a fight. 

The members sighed and Irene really felt sorry.

"It's okay Joohyun unnie, I'm sure that there was no chance for us this time, or else you would've found the way." Seulgi tried to make her smile.She believed every word she said along with the rest of the members.

Seulgi wanted to be the one who'd cheer the members up for this difficult week, since she is in the best condition, even from their faces anyone could say that Seulgi was the happiest.

When the sun dropped, Seulgi decided to help Wendy with dinner. She noticed that Wendy was quite disappointed.

"Now that's the look you have when something is wrong." Seulgi pointed.

"What? I'm fine." Wendy smiled and continued chopping some vegetables.

"Yaaah, what is it?" Seulgi insisted.

"Pfff, I was just planning to visit my parents this week, it's our break time, if I don't see them now when will i?" Wendy sighed.

"Oh c'mon why don't you just go next week?" Seulgi simply said.

"What if we have a schedule next week? For a comeback?" Wendy questioned.

"I don't think so, I heard Taeyeon will drop a new single so I guess everyone will be focusing on that.." Seulgi said trying to do her goal for this week: to cheer them up.

A few moments later, dinner was ready so they called over the rest of the members and tried to prepare themselves for the rest of the slavery week.



So, I wanted to write a chapter focused on the rest of the members and not just Yeri. Anyways, sorry for the late updates, I'm too busy with school lately.

I hope you guys like the story so far. Thank you for reading.

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