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They went in the car and Yeri's dad started driving. Yeri couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook, she was so curious about what he's doing on the hospital. She sighed slightly thinking that this is the worst time for her to have a crush. Her mom is at the hospital still sick and their break time will end soon. 'Nice timing Yerim' she said to herself.

Yeri waved at her dad and went back to dorm. Joy and Wendy were preparing dinner.

"Hey, I'm back." Yeri greeted them with a smile and they both did the same.

 "We're having tteobokki (=korean food with spicy rice cakes) for dinner" Joy said happily knowing that Yeri loves that dish just like her.

Yeri made sure that they didn't need any help with the cooking before going upstairs. She could hear Irene ironning somewhere and noticed that the door from her unnies' room was closed, guessing that Seulgi is asleep. She stopped walking and stared at the door. She had a weird willing to open it and talk to Seulgi. The fact that she likes Jimin made Yeri feel accompanied, Seulgi will probably understand better than any other member. Yeri sighed at the thought that she can't talk about Jungkook being at the hospital so she decided to not speak to her unnie yet. She went in her room and changed. She heard Wendy waking Seulgi up, saying that dinner is ready. Yeri got up and had dinner with the rest of the members.

Everyone felt full after dinner. They were about to clean their dishes when they heard a knock at their door. Irene gave a look at her members before she went and opened the door. Nobody seemed suprised when they saw their manager walking into the dorm with a poker face and an envelope on his hands. The Red Velvet members were waiting to be lectured while their manager was making his way to the living room where the members were currently at.

"I guess you won't be suprised if I say to you that you're not allowed to go out for a week." He said with the same glare, emotionless.

Yeri galped, she really wanted to see her brothers tomorrow. Not to mention to visit her mother at the hospital as many times as she could during the week.

 "Since I didn't inform you about any party you shouldn't be there, you shouldn't even know that it's happening. How did you find out?" He asked.

Taeyeon was the one who invited them, but if they'd reveal that she would probably face management problems as well.

"We got invited, obviously." Irene said while looking at the floor.

"By BTS?" Their manager said.

The girls didn't expect that, how could he know about this?

"Or should I say, by Park Jimin?" He continued, this time looking straight into Seulgi's eyes.

The members didn't say a thing.

"A Lovelyz member uploaded a selfie during the party and Seulgi seemed really close with an orange-haired guy at the backround."He said with the same ironic tone.

"We didn't sign a contract saying that we can't be friends with anyone besides SM artists." Seulgi said sadly.

"Do you know how many hours I've been working so that this won't cause a scandal, young lady? Plus  you did sign a contract which says that you're not allowed to date publicly for a long time, guess what? That time is not up yet." He almost shouted at her. Tears were forming on her eyes and she avoided eye contact. She just faced the floor and decided to not speak again.

Yeri's throat felt dry, she galped still facing their manager without saying anything either.

"Here's your practice program for the week, I made sure to make it strict enough." He said emotionless as usual and handed the envelope to Irene. He winked at her and got out shouting the door behind him. Irene rolled her eyes and read the schedule.

Most of the members remained frozen. Yeri turned to Seulgi and gave her a quick hug. Seulgi was fighting to keep her tears from falling. Irene decided to not show their week schedule to the members because it was too strict to handle and they shouldn't be thinking about it now. 

The members started going upstairs to sleep one by one, Yeri was about to follow them as well but she noticed that Seulgi didn't move. She stayed silent looking at the floor with a blank expression written on her face. Yeri sat next to her and crossed her legs.

"Seulgi unnie.."

"I don't want this.. if there was a switch for my feelings I would turn it off from the begining.." She said still looking at the floor.

"Same here.." Yeri didn't notice that she said that. She felt Seulgi quit starring at the floor and facing her.

"I, um-.. " Yeri didn't know how to cover that up so she just starred at her crossed legs.

"What do you mean?" Seulgi was smart enough to not let that pass. She thought for a moment and seemed to realise Yeri's thoughts. "Is he somebody I know?" She said with a sad smile knowing that they're both in trouble but still trying to encourage each other.

Yeri run her hand through her hair and let out a sad sigh.

"It's Jungkook." She said. It was the first time she said it.

Seulgi seemed like she didn't expect that at all. Yeri was waiting for this reaction because Seulgi has told her before that she didn't expect her to have a crush on a BTS member.

"But, how? You barely even talked to them when they were around...Same did Jungkook, actually." Seulgi pointed out.

"Unnie sorry but I can't really tell you, he didn't want to be seen in this particular place and I randomly bumped into him there and he asked me to keep it a secret." Yeri said honestly.

"Wait, that's a good thing though, he seems to trust you." Seulgi said with a smile.

"Don't be so sure, I just saw him there that's why he asked this.." She said sadly.

"You'll figure it out, according to J-hope you're the only member that he noticed when he first saw us so you never know, he might have feelings for you as well.." Yeri's heart fluttered at the thought of Jungkook having feelings for her. She immediately turned her attention back to Seulgi.

"What about Jimin oppa? Did you apologise or what?" Yeri asked.

"I did actually..Um I..I met him somewhere yesterday." She said looking back at the ground.

"I thought you were watching a movie with Irene unnie?" Yeri winked and Seulgi rolled her eyes at her wink.

"Well, we all know that Irene falls sleepy right after a movie if not during the night so...yeah" Seulgi said with a weak smile. Yeri noticed that her face was turning red. She was probably embarassed about something.

"I'm guessing that you guys are okay now? Or maybe more that okay?" Yeri couldn't help but smile at her words.

"Maybe.." Seulgi flashed a smile even though she had been lectured from their manager a few moments ago.

"He kissed me.." Seulgi said.

Yeri was cheering all over the living room and Seulgi burst into laughter.

"Yahhh, Yeri let's go to sleep we have a strict practice week coming up.." Seulgi said and Yeri nodded still jumping around from excitement. 

"By the way thanks for everything, you really helped me a lot." Seulgi said while giving her a quick hug.

"Goodnight Seulgi unnie" Yeri's mood was 10 times happier, she was happy for her.

"Night, Yeri" Seulgi said with a smile.

Yeri made herself comfortable in her bed and thought. Seulgi and Jimin ended up being together, will she make it too? With jungkook? She shook her head thinking that she doesn't even know if he has feelings for her yet and tried to sleep.

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