#14 you fight pt 1

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A/N: thank you for the request Stella, this one's for you. I'm really sorry it's not exactly a fight, but I only realised that when I was already half way through the imagine. Also I decided to part it into two imagines... Hope you still like it :)

Anyways ITS OUR BABYS 18 BIRTHDAY!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I honestly can't. I don't want Shawny to grow up :((((

Please comment, vote and request, ily all xx

You were sad. Shawn and you had been together for about 6 month now but it was nothing like you had imagined. Because he had been barely there these past months. Sure, you knew he'd be gone much but whenever he was home he seemed to much rather spend time with his family and old friends than with you. You only saw him when he would come home at night, only when you'd be still up that late though, and in the morning when you'd eat breakfast together.

Today was nothing different. Shawn had made you breakfast and it was very sweet. You ate together in bed and it once again reminded you why you fell in love with him in the first place. But then he left you alone again. It was about 2 am already and he still wasn't home. You laid in bed, wide awake, waiting for him. It couldn't keep going like that, you finally thought, got up and threw on a pair of pants and an oversized sweater. You needed some time to think about everything. Away from him.

You were about to pack your bag when you heard the door open and quiet footsteps on the floor. Shawn was back home. You suddenly stopped in your tracks. What would he say if he saw you packing? But it was too late, you already heard him crack open the bedroom door.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" He whispered into the dark as he saw your figure by the window and not sleeping in bed as he'd expected you to. You turned around and looked at him as he turned on the light. "Are you.... Are you packing your bag?" His was quiet, he couldn't believe it. "Shawn..." You started but didn't know how to continue.

"No" he simply stated. "No no no. You're not leaving. I won't let you go. Why would you?"

"Shawn, I can't do this anymore."

"What?" He harshly asked. He was getting angry, you saw it in his eyes. He was angry because he didn't know what was wrong. He didn't understand why you'd leave.

"This. Us." You gestured around you. "You're barely here. I feel like you don't even care about me."

He made a step towards you. "But you knew about my job. You knew I wouldn't be home with you everyday" he spoke up.

"That's not what I meant" you defended yourself. "Of course I knew that. But I didn't knew you wouldn't be with me when you're actually here too. Do you realise that we did not spend one single evening together since you came home from your tour last week. You find it more important to spend time with your family and don't even think about taking me with you. You were not home at my birthday nor when my grandpa died two months ago. I'm not angry at you, just at myself. Because I knew this would happen but I let myself fall in love with you anyways."

Shawn looked at you with sad eyes. "Don't say that. I'm sorry, please don't leave me."

"I'm sorry Shawn, I just need some space to think about everything."

And with that you left the room, stumbled downstairs and out of the house into your car and away from Shawn.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now