01 || I'm Not Here To Tell Jokes

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Here's the first chapter, I'm literally so excited for y'all to read it!

Please do comment and let me know how you feel about it :)


I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh

I can see it in your eyes

deep inside you want to cry

Mockingbird ~ Eminem


Sierra had finished a long day. A day full of driving twelve hours to Belle Reve Penitentiary, to visit an old...relative. Sierra could never bring herself to acknowledge the existence of her own flesh and blood in a 'mutant-jail', it was never something she ever accepted.

The thought of someone bringing dishonor to her family was something she could never make the time to care about. Her mind had been focused on one thing, and one thing only: move forwards, no matter what circumstances.

Her feet carried her a few hundred feet inside the building before she was abruptly stopped by a tall guard. His posture was fixed, and his face was frozen in a low monotone, not to mention the death glare that radiated from his face towards her.

She whipped out her ARGUS Certified badge, flashing it in front of his face, "Trust me, you do not want to get on my bad side."

He let out a small huff, then stepped out of her way, letting the woman approach the cage in front of her. The giant cage had five people in it, and was heavily guarded by military personnel. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she glanced at one of the people in there.

"Excuse me, ma'am, this isn't a catwalk, you can't come into a highly restricted area and engage with one of the inmates," a man steps forward, dressed in camouflage khaki's and a white t-shirt.

"Good thing I'm not here for New York fashion week, then," she nods at him, noticing the different badges on his chest, "Colonel."

"Then what are you here for, ma'am?," he grits his teeth in frustration.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, Captain Patriotic," she rolls her eyes at him, walking over to the cage, "I'll be in and out of the toothbrush bristles you call your hair in just a moment."

"Ma'am," the man growls, "This is a restricted space, and I cannot let an average woman go near those people."

"Hey, Flag, I thought we were homies!," Deadshot yelled, his arms swinging down from the spaces between the bars.

"Shut up, Lawton," Flag muttered in his general direction.

As the two men bickered, Sierra was already halfway through unlocking the cage to let herself in. It was just a little too late when Colonel Rick Flag had noticed, pouncing at the door at the last moment, which by then was already closed.

The door was an advanced piece of ARGUS technology, built by the best of the best, to keep in the worst of the worst. Only three people in the whole world knew the code to open it: Amanda Waller, The President himself, and Sierra Keller.

"Lady, get out of there, unless you want to die," Rick shouts, drops of saliva escaping his mouth.

"Good thing I've written my will then, eh, Colonel?," she jokes.

"This isn't funny, ma'am," he protests, genuinely worried about how 'getting woman killed while on watch' would look on his personal record as a colonel.

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now