03 || Love is Just a Game, Soldier Boy

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Pull the trigger, ain't nobody gonna do it for you.

Pull the trigger, don't hesitate, just shoot.

Pull The Trigger ~ Russ

Pull The Trigger ~ Russ

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Sierra dusted off her hands in victory as she slammed the green-haired man on the ground in front of Rick Flag. The slight cuts and bruises on her knees and calves weren't as bad as she had thought, with her thigh holster being thick enough to protect her upper legs. Although, she preferred wearing her cloth shorts, like now, than any ordinary spanx any day.

"Katana," she turned to the masked woman, "Time."

"フォーティーン分17秒 [Fourteen minutes and seventeen seconds]," she replied, her strong Japanese accent seeping through her words.

"They should put you in the Olympics, Lieutenant," the Joker panted, his body being rested on Harley Quinn's.

"She may even be better than you, Flag," El Diablo muttered in Rick's face, making him quite angry.

Her forehead was slick with sweat and her breathing pattern was quick with fatigue. Harley fell beside the pale man, kneeling next to him. "Oh, don't hurt him, Flag!," she pleaded, "Please don't hurt him!"

"We won't need to if he spills what we need," Rick responds, not giving a single damn about anyone's relationship, "If he doesn't cooperate and if worse comes to worst, he'll lose a few body parts."

"Flag!," Sierra scolds, pushing him out of the way and staring into his eyes, "Are you so blinded by your own motives that you disregard someone's relationship against your own?"

Rick was caught off guard, and frankly, a little speechless.

"You're one selfish man, Flag," she shakes her head at him in disappointment. As she moved her attention back to the squad, Harley Quinn was in a passionate lip-lock with the Joker, making everyone around the pair cringe. "Ehem," she cleared her throat, "If you both are done, we should be heading back to the base."

Rick Flag creeped up behind her, standing beside her and crossing his arms. Harley looked at Sierra and back at the Joker before she got up, picking up her lover as she got on her feet. Her hand clasped with his, holding him close to her, as if he could disappear at any moment.

Sierra gulped, thinking about how much they loved each other. She knew that love was possible anywhere, but it appalled her at how two really bad people loved each other so much, it was astonishing to realize that they could flip each other's worlds around and accept one another fro who they are.

"C'mon," she said, softly, as she guided everyone into the car.

As she did this, all Rick could think about was if she was right. No, he knew she was right. She was right about him, about his selfishness.

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