16 || You Were Lying To Me All Along!

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New York City, please go easy on this heart of mine

Cause I'm losing my lover, to the arms of another

New York City please go easy on me tonight

New York City ~ The Chainsmokers


"So, what now, G.I. Jane?," Deadshot huffs at Sierra as he dusts his suit off, excess sand falling on Harley's shoulder.

"Hey, Sniper Man, don't dust your shoulders off on me!," she crows.

"Why're you even here, don't you have a child to steal candy from?," Floyd looked at Harley, then back at Sierra and Rick, "Why is she here?"

"We need all the man power we can get," Oliver responded after Sierra and Rick refused to say a word.

"Yeah, we need man power, she's a woman," Floyd quarreled.

"If she were a guy, she'd be a bigger man than you'll ever be," Sierra defended her.

"Not to mention, I'd have bigger balls," Harley shrugs, happily.

"Why, you little bitch—," Floyd raises his gun towards her.

"Uh-uh," Sierra shakes her head, lifting her phone screen up so he could see his face on it, with a button under his headshot reading 'exterminate target', "you do not want to get on my bad side, Lawton, I've warned you before."

Deadshot huffs, lowering his gun and standing away from Harley. Harley just giggles, holding onto the Joker tighter as he wraps his arm around her shoulders. Sierra lets out a sigh, glancing down at the ground before she takes her gun out of its holster.

"Anyone want to get out of this mission and be free?," she asks, growing impatient.

"Hell yeah!," Killer Croc shouts, pumping his fist in the air.

Sierra cocks her gun, throwing it at him. He grabs it with one hand, looking between it and Sierra with a confused expression playing on his face.

"The only way out of this hell is death, for all of us," she says, "Now, I hardly let my personal problems get in my professional life, but some things just can't stop. We are all at the verge of giving up, but will we? No. We're ruthless, devious, and dauntless, we can't just stop here."

She continues, "I know that none of you want to do this, but this is what you signed up for when you did what you did to end you up in Belle Reve, and so did Rick and I, even Oliver did. Now, you can fight for your freedom the easy way, or the hard way. But if you choose the easy way, it starts with that gun pointed at your temple."

She breathes out a held in breath as they all look at her in awe. All of them, subconsciously, knew she was right, and that was what they needed at that moment to motivate them. All they needed was that little push, and Sierra's heart-felt speech was the key.

Killer Croc tosses the gun back to her, with her taking it and putting it back in its place by her side.

"Meet Colonel Flag and I back at the Humvee's in ten minutes, we have a lot of planning to do," she exhales slowly.

Oliver and Lieutenant GQ Edwards begin rounding the team up and briefing a few of them about their initial tactics and collecting some of their insights too, while Sierra followed Rick to the cars. Rick was fuming, his head not in the right place to even be around her, let alone talk to her.

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now