13 || Why Do We Always Have A Heart-To-Heart When I'm Drunk?

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What if I wanted to break? 

Laugh it off all in your face?

What would you do?

The Kill (Bury Me) ~ 30 Seconds to Mars


In the private ward the atmosphere was completely different. The air had a perfumed scent and the seats were plush. Every surface was dustless. The nurses were unhurried and they moved with a serene purposefulness from room to room on their rounds. There were vases of flowers and beautiful framed pieces of art on the walls. In the corridor was a water dispenser and in most rooms could be heard the noise of a television.

Sierra and Rick finally reach his door, brown and dull like all the others, but you could already see people inside.

"Well, here we are," the nurse smiles kindly and opens the door wider for the pair to enter.

Doctors and nurses surrounded his hospital bed, attaching IV's, heart monitors and oxygen tanks to him. She decided to explore the room while the other people are still crowded around him. An old TV set hangs from the ceiling. A window gave her a view of the world below was just beneath the screen. In the corner are two chairs, frayed with wear and tear. It was a typical hospital room, sparse and functional. She sat herself next to Rick and stared dejectedly up at the ceiling.

Once all the hospital staff filed out, Sierra took the opportunity to go and sit beside her brother. She pulled up a chair and placed it beside the bed, reaching out and gripping his hand in hers, holding it tightly.

She stared at the heart monitor that had a constant heart-rate displayed on it, but his eyes were closed. He was breathing but he wasn't moving. He was alive but there weren't any signs that he was living.

She choked back tears as she spoke to him. "Hey, Dig, it's me," she whispered, "I'm alright, just tore a ligament... Doc said that he has a feeling that you'd make it, and I believe him. You were always the one to beat odds."

She looks back at Rick, who just has 'sympathy' written all over his face, and he gives her a small smile. She turns back to her brother, continuing, "I just-I just wanted to let you know that I believe you, and that I'm sorry. And one more thing..."

There was a small silence as her mood contorted to sullen anger, "I promise you, the next time I see that witch, I'll fucking kill her."

At that, Rick's eyes widen, and a sudden wave of confusion washes over him. He'd always thought that Sierra was in this to save June's life, but he was cautiously proven wrong.

On the other hand, Sierra had two reasons for joining this operation: her brother and to save June Moon. But now, seeing as both aren't there, she's going to do it her way. Now all she needed was clearance from the big boss, the alpha female, the woman with the plan. She needed to get a 'yes' from Amanda Waller.

She whipped out her iPad from her backpack as she leaned against the humvee parked outside of the hospital parking lot, dialing for Amanda Waller. There were a few rings before the call was picked up, causing Sierra to jump at Amanda's closeness.

"Agent Keller," Amanda had sympathy in her voice, "What do you need?"

"I need clearance," she muttered into the screen.

"For what?"

"The next time I encounter the Enchantress, I need authorization to kill her," she stated, bluntly.

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