04 || I Am Not Your Partner

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Wise men say, 'only fools rush in'

But I can't help falling in love with you.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You ~ Elvis Presley


"Come on, Jokey Jokey, we don't have all day," Sierra sighed, rolling her eyes and sinking down in her chair.

"But I do. I do, I do, I do!," the Joker laughed his menacing laugh.

"Cooperate with me, here," she extended her body across the table towards him, resting her arms in front of her.

"All we need is a little info on our Flag's girlfriend's whereabouts," Amanda Waller said, through the flatscreen in the interrogation room.

"Well, it ain't coming outta me," he chuckled, gritting his teeth at the same time to stifle an oncoming laugh.

He wasn't the only one gritting teeth, Rick Flag had also clenched his pearly whites in frustration. After months of looking, the Joker was his first lead to finding June Moon, and he needed him to say something.

"Look," he thumped his fist on the table, "tell us where she is, or I'll blow your brains out!"

"Flag!," Sierra scolded, widening her eyes at him.

"What am I supposed to do, let him crack jokes all day?!"

"I see we've got a little 'good cop, bad cop' action going around," the Joker grinned, flashing his silver grills at the pair.

That's when an idea struck Sierra, one that she wouldn't have thought about a week ago when she was assigned to Task Force X, and she planned to execute it effective immediately.

"We know a lot about you, Jay," she looked up at the green-haired man.

"Is that supposed to scare me, Lieutenant?," he tilted his head to the side, looking at her with yet another grin, "Tell me, do I look like the type of guy that gets intimidated easily?"

"No," she breathes out, "you don't."

He smirks in victory, thinking that he had won over their interrogation.

Sierra continued, "But I do know that you do love easily."

And that got his attention. His head went upright and the grin had turned down, his lips forming a gaping line.

"Love is strong, Mr. Jay, and you of all people should know that," she carried on, "I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what love is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you're ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, yet still getting weak at the knees when they walk into the room and smile at you."

Everyone, including Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, were caught off guard. Her words mesmerized them, and they were in Sierra's aura, captivated by her way of conveying emotions.

She went on to say, "You found that love, haven't you?"

There was a weak nod from the Joker himself, "Harley."

"And you've been torn to be without her."

"Yes," he looks down for a moment, then stares back up at her.

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own, am I right?," she asks him, genuinely.

"Correct," he says, quietly.

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now