06 || Flashy Skills, Keller

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Don't tell me what to do, and don't tell me what to say,

Please, when I go out with you, don't put me on display

You don't own me...

You Don't Own Me ~ Grace (ft. G-Eazy)


"No security cameras?," Sierra looked at Aaron with confusion.

"Well, no one knows I live here," Aaron playfully says, "You both better not tell."

They both laugh. "Of course not," Sierra seductively placed her hand on his knee.

"What do you do, Aaron?," Rick questioned, forcing a smile at the man.

"Oh, I'm a collector," he grins.

Rick Flag, Sierra Keller, and Aaron were sat in Aaron's $2.5 million beach home, relaxing on his massive brown leather sofas. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she seductively reclined on his bicep, while the Rick was sat next to them on another sofa, a wine glass in each one of their hands.

"A collector," she acted interested, "What do you collect?"

"Artifacts," he responds, slinging his arm around her neck.

"What sort of artifacts?," Rick leaned forwards, getting slightly uncomfortable with their closeness.

"Mainly war relics, maybe some ancient statues or figures," he replies.

"Wow, I love ancient artifacts," Sierra pretends to marvel over him.

"If you want, I could show you," he offered.

"Oh, I'd love that," she smirked at him seductively. She then turned to Rick after gulping her wine glass down, "Mind getting me some wine, brother?"

Rick clenched his teeth, getting up, "Of course."

As Rick left to refill the tall crystal glasses, Sierra had her own plans.

She leaned into his face, turning it around and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes and kissed her back. Luckily, they were sitting faced away from the staircase, which she had the feeling Rick and her would need to utilize.

She climbed onto his lap, facing towards the stairway and the door to the kitchen, so it would be easier for her to spot Rick before he makes any noise to disturb Aaron and mess up her plans. She let him nuzzle kisses on her neck, while she rolled her eyes in disgust.

"So, tell me," she whispered into his ear, "where're the artifacts?"

"Hmm, why'd you want to know?," he whispers back to her.

"I was wondering, because I'd love to see them after our trip to the bedroom," she bites his earlobe lightly.

"You won't have to walk far, both locations are upstairs in the bedroom," he mumbles into her neck, placing rough kisses along her throat.

Rick was soon out of the kitchen, with two wine glasses in hand, when he froze at the scene. There was a small lump in his throat for some reason, making him clench his fists tighter. Sierra's eyes fluttered open, looking straight at Rick.

She then pressed two fingers on Aaron's throat, hitting a pressure point between the mark at which the collarbones and the neck become one, before she smacked his head to the side, knocking him unconscious.

She then hopped off, wiping her mouth and neck in disgust before standing next to Rick, "Alright, I found out where he hides the heart and figure."

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now