05 || Never Ask a Man To Do a Woman's Job

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Goodbye, no use leading with our chins, this is where our story ends

Never lovers, ever friends!

Goodbye ~ Russ


"Alright," Sierra instructed, pacing about from side to side across the team, "We have the general location of the Enchantress. But the thing is, she's off shore, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Gulf of Mexico most probably."

"Wait," Deadshot raised his hand up, "Are you saying she's in the middle of the ocean?"

"She's above sea-level, Lawton, so don't worry about getting your boots wet," she chuckles.

"There's a good seven hundred mile radius to where she could be, how are we sure we know where she is?," Captain Boomerang pipes up.

"We'll be heading to Florida by dawn, so you better start packing," she rolled her eyes, "When we get there, we'll know."

"How are you sure?," Deadshot asked again.

"Have you ever seen the Enchantress go through a town peacefully?," she raises a brow at him, "Trust me, we'll know."

"Oh, oh!," Harley jumped up and down, "Where're we headin'?"

"Team," Sierra smirks, "You better pack your swimming suits, because we're going to Cape Canaveral."

"Oh, goodie!," Harley squealed, then turned to the Joker, "You hear that, puddin'? We're going to a beach!"

"We wont stay there for long," Rick Flag spoke up, "Two days, tops."

"He's right," Sierra nods, "If she isn't there and we don't find any leads, we're gone by nightfall."

"Yo, I'm just happy we're getting a vacation here," Deadshot pumps his fists in the air.

"I haven't seen a beach since Australia," Captain Boomerang whoops.

"That is if I let you come," Sierra narrows her eyes down at him.

As the team leaves, the only people that are left are Captain Boomerang, Rick Flag, and Sierra Keller. Digger looks at his sister, in full rage.

"I know you don't believe me, but you can't hold me back on missions," Digger argues.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't trust you."

"What, and you can trust the worlds most lethal sniper, a woman that talks to a sword, an insane woman and her equally insane boyfriend, a mutant crocodile, and a man that murdered his whole family?," Digger fires back.

"Yeah, you'd know a lot about murdering your whole family, wouldn't you, Dig?," she scoffs, beginning to walk away from him.

"Sierra, I didn't kill them!," he shouts after her, both Rick and Digger following her out to a secluded hallway in the base.

"Stop!," she pushes him, "Just, stop. I don't want this to get ugly."

"You have to believe me one day or another," she reaches his hand out for her shoulder, but she backs away slightly.

"I'll believe you when I have proof, till then, you're just like everyone else: a lethal vigilante," she slurs.

He scoffs under his breath, beginning to walk away from her. As he passes her, he stops by her side, turning his head to look at her one time, "After everything, I thought you'd at least find it in your heart to let in the only family you have left."

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now