12 || I'll Take Flaming Hot Cheetos

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1. I'm just apologizing in advance here.

2. An update!! Two in two days, I'm on a roll 🔥


Just know you're not alone,

Cause I'm gonna make this place your home

Home ~ Phillip Phillips


The sand had lead them towards Kennedy Space Center, near the north of Cape Canaveral. The huge metallic ridges and cranes around the dormant rocket were daunting on Sierra; she hated heights.

The dust clung onto the side of the jar, making them walk right up to the docking station of the giant space-bound bird. Sierra slowly chuffed a shaky breath as she looks up, her eyes analyzing the height of the huge rocket, not to mention the semi-transparent crane platforms every two stories of the metal beams.

Little particles of sand rose up to the lid of the container, gesturing for them to go up, but Sierra knew that the entire squad couldn't go, so it was up to her and Rick Flag to choose the three people that would have to go up with them.

"Okay, how about you pick two and I pick one?," Sierra suggested to Rick.

"Sounds fair," he agrees, turning to the team again.

Sierra was the first to pick, "I'll take Flaming Hot Cheetos."

"What the fuck are up with these nicknames?," Diablo growls, stepping forwards and standing behind Sierra, with her letting out a small giggle in response.

"Quinn, Harkness, let's go," Rick motioned for Captain Boomerang and Harley to come out, "Everyone else, you'll be down here for back up, and supervised by Lieutenant GQ Edwards, capiche?"

"What happens if we don't understand?," the Joker grins.

"Well, Napier, we have phones that do a lot more than just Snapchat," Sierra smirks at him.

That shut him up.

Sierra and Rick moved towards the ladder of the crane, glancing up to see the depth. Sierra gulped, looking back down in front of her as her right hand shot out and gripped the ladder. Her feet followed, then her other hand, when finally, she began climbing.

Rick was next, climbing up behind her, followed by Harley, Digger, and Diablo, who weren't at all fussed about climbing such heights.

The adrenaline floods her system like it was on an intravenous drip—right into her blood stream at full pelt. She feels like her heart might explode and her eyes are wide, letting in every ounce of the fading light.

She freezes. Her body wants to either jump off when there's still time to do so or work to go up, but instead she stays right where she is. Sometimes freezing is the best of the choices, and let's face it, there really are only three.

She wants to quell the hammering in her chest, but there's no way that will happen now. She doesn't regret it though, coming here to the base, it was her mission after all.

The fear sits quietly, eroding the person she was born to be. What starts as a contortion of her stomach becomes a feeling of being smothered by an invisible hand. Her breathing becomes erratic, deep, then shallow.

"I-I can't do this!," Sierra shouts over the wind gushing through her hair.

"Sierra, we're almost there!," Digger shouts.

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now