19 || Michael?

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Like a river that don't know where it's going

I took a wrong turn, and I just kept flowing

Hungry Heart ~ Bruce Springsteen


The plane journey to the Maldives was enough to tire out the whole squad. Twenty one hours, two layovers, and a bunch of Redbulls, the crew was done for the day. All everyone wanted was to take a rest, kick back, and relax for a few hours.

Sierra, Oliver, and Lieutenant Edwards being in charge, let them. Because, in all honesty, they needed a long and hard deserved break. The Enchantress could wait a few hours, it wasn't like any of them were in a rush.

Sierra sat, dangling her feet off the patio, her feet grazing the ocean water. The huts that they were staying in were directly above the water, held up by alloyed beams underneath. She whipped out a cigarette, placing it between her lips and igniting the tip. The pit turned crimson as she breathed in a long breath.

All she could think about was what went wrong between her and Rick, what had she done so horribly wrong to make him feel so hesitant to say those words back. Right, she lied to him, she kept secrets, she turned a blind eye when it came to him, but yet, all for his well being.

During the course of this mission, she was completely oblivious to the fact that she was falling in love with him. She had an attraction, as any sane woman would, but she thought nothing of it.

She lifted her buzzing phone to her ear, answering it slowly, "Go for Keller."

"A-Aunt Sierra?," it was Owen, her nephew.

"Hey there, bud," she smiled, smoke flying out of her grin.

"Dad's not doing too good," he said, sadly.

"What?," she muttered, dropping her cigarette into the water.

"He had a seizure this morning, he's fighting for his life," he tells her, "They don't think he's going to make it."

Her hand clasped her mouth, "Are you at the hospital?"

"Yeah, I'm with Doctor Roth right now, he wanted me to let you know."

"Put him on," she demanded.

There was a slight shuffle heard before a deep voice spoke, "Ms. Keller, this is regarding—."

"You will keep him on life support, he needs ketamine doses twice a day, and don't you dare scare my nephew like that again, he's the only family Owen has left," she warned him, "You and I both know that there was no seizure, that this is all bullcrap to try and make space for patients."

"I-I, uh," he stammered.

"You will do as I say or, so God help you, I'll make sure you know the feeling of losing someone," she grumbles.

"Did you just threaten me?," he sounded stunned.

"That's what happens when you threaten the life of a federal agent's family," she responds, "Goodbye, Doctor Roth."

She growled in anger, bashing her phone against the wood beneath her. She continued to discard it by tossing it into the Atlantic ocean, done with everything in her life so far. All she wanted to do was go home to her husband Michael, to be greeted by a warm kiss, surrounded by her brothers, while her parents made them dinner.

A low huff released her lips as she looked at her sinking phone, regretting throwing it away.

'What if Rick called?,' she wondered. She was quick to brush off that thought, 'No, fuck him.'

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