02 || Who's Nirvana?

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❝Come as you are, as you were

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Come as you are, as you were

as I want you to be

As a friend, as a friend

As a known enemy

Come As You Are ~ Nirvana


"Alright," Rick shouts, pacing back and forth as he made eye contact with each squad member, "There will be no jokes, no profanity, no yelling—."

"Might as well say 'no fun'," Sierra crosses her arms and looks away from Rick.

Rick rolls his eyes, finishing his sentence, "—no shouting, no giggling, and no laughing."

"And the next rule will be 'breathe on command'," Sierra laughs, sarcastically.

"Is this a joke to you, Agent Keller?," Rick huffs at her, getting frustrated by her remarks, as his pacing comes to a stern halt.

"I wouldn't say that it's a joke, more like a cringe worthy punchline," she shrugs, displaying her delightful tongue-in-cheek sense of humor.

Rick ignores her, then looks back at the team, "This is an undercover mission to find one, Jay Napier, also known as the Joker. Now—."

"Not my puddin'!," Harley protests, her face beginning to droop down into a low frown.

"I could care less about your boyfriend, honey," he spits at Harley. "The Joker'll have some valuable information on the Enchantress. Our mission is to find her, otherwise Amanda Waller'll pull the plug and we're all going to be in international danger."

"So," Sierra trots next to him, "is this mission about saving your love-life or saving the world?"

Rick widened his eyes, unable to speak. He sighs and looks up at the squad again, ignoring Sierra once more, and speaking to the team, "Gear up."


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Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now