20 || I'm Allergic

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When I look into your eyes

it's like watching the night sky, or a beautiful sunrise

there's so much they hold

I Wont Give Up ~ Jason Mraz


Sierra was back in her cabin after hashing out plans with the team. They had all decided that they would go to N'doko, the cave, after dinner. It was a big step for all of them, seeing as their original plan had been based on having a goodnight's rest and then springing into action in the morning.

But the Enchantress' unexpected visit caused them to really get back into what Killer Croc called  'beast mode', and that was exactly what they were going to do. Sierra's phone had resurfaced on the dock, surprisingly, but she had quickly dropped it back into the ocean once more, not caring about the calls or anything else the phone provided.

At this point, she knew the team was reluctant to leave, because they knew of her capabilities to extract them at any point in the globe. Threatening them was also out of the question, because in all honesty, they had trusted her, and had accepted that there was no way out for them from Belle Reve.

There were shallow footsteps behind her, followed by someone taking a seat next to her, crossing their feet on the wooden planks underneath them, while her feet were submerged in the crystal clear blue water till the ankle. She was surprised to see who it was, seeing as they didn't talk much anyways, and he had practically tried to kill her on two separate occasions.

"If you're here to get rid of me, please go on and do it," she sighed, looking across at the ocean, not even looking at him, "The phone's gone, you're basically free."

"As entertaining as that would be," El Diablo spoke, "I really didn't come here for that."

The man must have let himself in through the backdoor.

"Oh, yeah?," she swirled her feet in the water, "What're you here for, then?"

"I'm here to let you know that he's been trying to find you," his voice was low, promising her a sincere response.

"Who?," she knew the answer.

"Flag," he responds, "Arrow guy asked him about it, and he'd rather look for you than carry on with the mission."

"Did he say that?," she inquires, not having it.

"No," he shakes his head, "but it was completely obvious."

"Like I'm going to listen to you, malfunctioning flamethrower," she grumbled under her breath.

"A, your nicknames seem to be getting better," he chuckles, "and B, it's true. I could see it in his eyes."

"Oh, and what would you know about love?," she finally turns to him.

"I may not know much," he starts, "but I know that if I got one last chance to look into my wife's eyes and tell her that I love her, truly love her, I wouldn't miss that opportunity in a heartbeat. If I could hold my kids in my arms and let them know that I'm sorry, I wouldn't bat an eye-lash, I'd do it." She listened as he carried on, "Do you know how many times I'd take back what happened that night at my home?"

She was silent, shaking her head.

"There isn't a number for it," he replies, slowly, "Signing up for this mission, I knew I found an escape to use my powers for the greater good, that was my decision, I could've easily refused Amanda Waller and blew up the whole base in flames. And, yes, this...this sucks, but it hasn't changed my mind."

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