18 || Tell Her Y'Love Her

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Important A/N at the end


And baby, you're all that I want

when you're lying her in my arms

Heaven ~ Bryan Adams


"Okay, team, we're going for a little trip," Sierra clapped then rubbed her hands.

"I have two questions," Deadshot raises his hand, "One, where?"

"The Maldives," she smirks.

"And two, where in the goats fuck is Flag?," he looks around Oliver and Sierra.

Sierra went silent, allowing Oliver to speak on her behalf, "He's not been informed of our little trip, we're alone on this one."

"Let's not forget that Flag and I were co-oping this squadron," Sierra comments, "So we do have someone calling the shots."

"Yipee," el Diablo rolls his eyes, sarcastically pumping his fist in the air.

"Don't get too excited, you may find that my independent leadership is harsher than Flag's," Sierra chuckles.

"A'ight," Deadshot nods, "I'll bite, what's the plan?"

"The Enchantress' is roaming this earth wreaking havoc to try and remember where she's from," Sierra explains, "Now, with a little research and a few federal file breaches, I've found out that her place of burial was in a cave called N'doko in the Maldives."

"So, if we return her there, she'll stop fucking shit up," Deadshot finishes her sentence.

"You're a smart one, aren't you?," she clicks her tongue at him.

"Anyways," Oliver steps in, "we're taking an ARGUS registered chopper to there Maldives tomorrow morning, so get a good night's sleep, you're going to need it."

Everyone nodded, then walked away from Oliver and Sierra. Each of them had respective cots, so everyone diffracted once they got to the middle of the compound, a skip in their step and a with high hopes that the coming week was the final one.

 Each of them had respective cots, so everyone diffracted once they got to the middle of the compound, a skip in their step and a with high hopes that the coming week was the final one

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Rick had no idea of their plans as he sat beside a tombstone in the Midway City Cathedral graveyard. His eyes grazed the cursive writing on the granite slab, reading: General Richard David Flag, beloved father and husband.

His hand rested on top of the tombstone, pressing flowers on the ground in front of it. Tears threatened to blur his vision, but he didn't let them, only to chew on his lip to avoid it. Beside the grey stone rest two dog-tags, pressed firmly within the marble-like slate.

"I tried, dad, I tried," he sighs, "I'm sorry I couldn't make you proud of me."

There was a moment of silence, the sound of the leaves rustling in the background was the only thing that Rick's ears could pick up.

Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now