21 || Tell Him I Love Him!

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Aesthetic by odaironfire


And it's our god forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

so, I won't hesitate

our time is short

this is our fate

I'm yours

I'm Yours ~ Jason Mraz


Everyone got to the cave, with Rick Flag with them this time too. Sierra was glad he was there, there was a heavy weight lifted off her shoulders, causing her to think more clearly. All she wanted to do was kill the bitch, or just forever trap her here.

The Enchantress was quick to reach their location, her senses heightened since the last time she had encountered Sierra. She stood there, a slight slump in her shoulders and a ragged heave as she breathed.

"You can go back," Sierra responded, grabbing the missing leg of the relic she had been keeping and raising it to the witch.

"Heh," she chuckles, coughing, "I don't want to be trapped here. I wanted a new host, this one's already used up."

"What?," Oliver muttered in confusion.

"See, I've used up her heart, I don't need her anymore," she heaves, "But you," she points at Sierra, "It looks like you're heart's not as damaged since the last time we spoke."

The Enchantress let go of June Moon's lifeless body, dropping it to the ground. Sierra was quick to react, jumping forth to save the blonde hair from making contact with the muddy ground. She held June close, looking up to see a whole new Enchantress.

The once human-like appearance was gone, instead replaced by a rather ghostly form. The Enchantress' heart was completely visible through her slightly transparent body, emitting neon green lights as it pumped.

"Okay, the witch's transparent now, she's transparent now," Deadshot skittered in exasperation.

"Let the girl go, Agent Keller, you're the one that I want," she said in a more deeper and eerie voice.

"That's not likely," she cocked her gun and shot a few rounds at the Enchantress' head, but they all just went through her, ricocheting off the dense rocks around the dimly lit cave, all with June draped over Sierra's kneeling leg.

Sierra quickly pressed her fingers on June's neck, feeling for a heartbeat. When there was none, she slowly got up and leaned her body against the side of the cave.

"Diablo, now!," Rick shouted while the Enchantress was distracted. The cave gained its color back once Diablo's fire sprung out of his palms and onto her body. The Enchantress was quick to blow some sort of force field around her, but still winced at the flames.

Sierra dashed for her gun, pointing it at the force field. When she turned to the side, she saw Rick knelt beside June, making Sierra roll her eyes.

"I will have you, Sierra Keller," she growled.

"Wow, this sounds like my senior year boyfriend all over again," Sierra cracked a joke as she began firing at her. She was suddenly lifted off her feet, her gun dropping. "What the—."

She was soon face to face with the Enchantress herself. "I told you, Agent Keller, I will have you." She gulped, scared for once in her life, making the Enchantress chuckle, "You're a ghost driving a meat coated skeleton. So what are you afraid of?"

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