15 || This Is A Trap

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They're gonna clean up your looks

with all the lies in the books

to make a citizen out of you

Teenagers - My Chemical Romance


They were a man short, but the team made the best of their resources. As they were back in Cape Canaveral beach again, this time they weren't rollicking around the sand, but instead they were getting down to work.

Killer Croc swam in the ocean beside them as they were on a boat off the Gulf of Mexico. They had spent several hours on sea, almost making Oliver sick over the boat's edge. Sierra strategically plotted their tactics if they would encounter the Enchantress again, when a sudden memory struck her:

"Give me back my relic!", the Enchantress shouted.

It hit Sierra, she knew how to beat the Enchantress. The Relic, if it was destroyed, the Enchantress would be destroyed. She dashed to her bag, tearing through materials before she found the head of the relic.

"Listen up!," Sierra shouted at everyone to get their attention, swinging the head of the relic around, "The Enchantress was in physical pain because this relic was already broken, and now that she took the body, her body must've been healed. But I have the head, so that means that she hasn't recovered fully, meaning that the Enchantress is vulnerable."

Rick spoke up, "So, if we destroy the relic, we destroy her?"

"Exactamundo, compadre!," she snapped her fingers at him, "but we need to be close to her."

"Wait...," the Joker muttered, "She needs the head, right?"

"Right," Sierra nodded.

"And she's somewhere near here, around the islands in the Gulf of Mexico, right?," he continues.

"Correct," she nods again, slightly perplexed.

"Har-har-har!," he lets out a hearty laugh, "This is a trap, we're exactly where she wants us to be."

"Shit," Sierra cursed under her breath, then she shouted, "Turn this boat around!"

There was a sudden and quick movement, shaking the boat and flipping it over, making everyone on board fall into the water. Sierra looked up to see the Enchantress hovering over all of them, growling.

Sierra pressed the relic in her hands, but it wouldn't break.

"Keller, this'll kill June!," Rick yelled.

"There's no other way, Flag!," she shouted back, but to no avail, it didn't break. Instead, it slipped out of her hand and fell inside the water, sinking into it's dark depths. The Enchantress was quick to react and had gotten it out in a flash.

The Enchantress then chuckled, causing a huge wave to wash over them. Sierra looked at the height of the water level above her, gasping for air. As the wave descended onto them, Sierra went blank. She blacked out.

 She blacked out

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Sucker For Pain ⇒ SUICIDE SQUAD [RICK FLAG] [#1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now