10 || A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

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We keep this love in a photograph

we make these memories for ourselves

where our eye's are never closing

heart's are never broken

time's forever frozen still

Photograph ~ Ed Sheeran


The team, including the Green Arrow, were out on the field again. With their hopes high, they were back in Cape Canaveral, on the very beach they were on almost a week back. Everyone in the little squad was pumped about finding the Enchantress, especially if it meant they would get some sort of gifts and a reduction to their prison sentence at Belle Reve.

Sierra, however, wasn't looking forwards to meeting the oh-so infamous Enchantress, seeing as there was no hope in bringing June Moon back. Her psyche never fathomed about national security at the end. She had two reasons for signing up to the project:

One, she wanted to save the life of a civilian trapped inside an unknown entity. She wanted to save June's life so that her conscience could have a little closure for not being able to save her father and younger brother.

And the second reason being, she'd get to see her brother. She hated her brother's guts, but subliminally, she had ached to see him, he was the only family she had left. And even though she didn't believe him on his claims, she was doing her utmost best to try, especially with the amount of memories she had with him:

"Sierra, I swear, if we go on one more ride, I'm going to puke all over you," Digger pretended to feel nauseous.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, casanova," she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not doing this to give my ego a boost, I'm actually feeling like I need to hurl," he muttered.

"C'mon, Dig, I'm two years younger than you and you're still acting like a little baby," she chuckles.

Their evening at Universal Studios Orlando was not going as she planned. She had made a whole activity book full of things they could do together as siblings, but Digger had other ideas.

"I wanna go to the Indiana Jones rollercoaster!," Tom yelled as he walked beside them, "Dig, you're a twenty-five year old grown man and you're still scared?"

"I'm not scared!," Digger defended himself, "Shut your teenage mouth, you little shit."

"Oh, yeah, who's gonna make me?," Tom challenges, giving Digger a hard kick on his bum before dashing away from him.

"Why, you little—," his sentence was cut off when Sierra placed an arm in front of his chest, limiting him going forwards. "Sierra, what the fu—."

"Just enjoy the moment, will ya?," she huffs, "I didn't convince dad to let Tom come with us for no reason."

"Teenagers...," Digger growls.

"You were one too, remember," she giggles, "Remember when you were sixteen, you had a goal to sleep with every girl in your grade."

"Good thing Tom doesn't share that goal," he rolls his eyes.

"He's a good kid," she nods at her little brother, who was waiting by a ride in the distance.

"He is," Digger finally cracked a smile.

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