22 || I Prefer To Call You: Grumpy Fireball

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'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

there's always gonna be an uphill battle

sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

it ain't about how fast I get there, or what's waiting on the other side

It's the climb

The Climb ~ Miley Cyrus


It had been two weeks since everyone got back in the familiarity of Midway City. The dewy air clinging onto their skin that was now tanned from the Maldivian sun. But more importantly, it was time to say a final goodbye to the team.

As Sierra stood in Belle Reve, she made it her priority to say a farewell to everyone there, it had been a long four months together, and she had now considered most of the team to be closer than any friends or family, even picking up someone like Rick along the way.

After putting Killer Croc away, it was Harley and the Joker, they would be together in the bird-cage like prison cell contraption that Belle Reve Penitentiary had for them. Harley hugged Sierra genuinely, with both of them definitely feeling like they would miss each other's company.

"It was great teaming up with you, Funfetti Cake," Sierra smiles.

"Don't worry, hon, I'll see ya soon enough," she smirks, winking at her before turning on her heel and skipping into the cell with the Joker, who just waved a laughing goodbye to Sierra.

She smiled at the pair, turning around and guiding Deadshot back to his cell. She was going to miss his comments, and snarky comebacks for that matter, dearly. She enjoyed the time they had all spent together, as tough as it was, they got through it.

"I'll arrange weekly meetings with your daughter, Lawton," she promised.

"I'm gonna hold you to that," he gave her a weak smile as he stepped into his cell, the door closing, only letting them speak through the little window at her eye level.

"Have I ever broken a promise?," she smirks.

"Nah," he shakes his head, "I guess you haven't."

"I'll see you, Lawton," she nods.

"You best treat Flag like the Queen he is!," he reminds her.

"Oh, yeah, I'll remember that," she jokes.

Her arm was quick to nudge out the security guard from behind El Diablo, wanting to escort him back to his drum personally. The guard hissed at her, but she only flashed him the bird and continued walking outside.

As he sat back into his drum, Sierra sat opposite him on the ground, a small sympathetic smile playing on her lips, "This sucks."

"Well, what can we say?," he shrugs, "It's where we're supposed to be, we're bad guys, remember?"

"You're not all that bad," she chuckles, "If you look deep enough, you can find good in the most devilish soul."

"They don't call me 'El Diablo' for nothing," he laughs.

"Well, I prefer to call you: Grumpy Fireball," she nods, giggling.

"You're losing your edge, Keller," he shakes his head.

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