cell games Gohan x suicidal reader

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You are (y/n) (l/n), you are a full blooded sayain.
You and Gohan had been friends since the day Vegeta and nappa came to earth.
Of course you came to earth with them because nappa was your father. ( XD )
Since Vegeta killed nappa and gotten brutally beaten up he forgot that you where there hiding behind a tree, so Vegeta ended up leaving you behind. After he left you started to cry ( you were only like... 5 so.... Yea) so that made everyone look your way.
Once you noticed that you made a run for it. But unfortunately for you Goku caught you. He took you to his home and you became one of the sons.
You had started to gain feelings for Gohan over the years.
So much feeling's you could actually call it love, a one sided love. Gohan only thought of you as a sister, nothing more, nothing less.
That really depressed you. Years went by you and Gohan are now teens, 13 to be exact. ( I just looked up his age in the cell games and it said 11 but I want it to be 13 so yea)
You started to get suicidal thoughts, you hated your life!
Your father was dead
Gohan didn't like you
You thought you were misplaced

Born in the wrong place

Born In the wrong time.
But you kept all that to yourself, so nobody knew how you really felt, not even Gohan himself.
But one day you all felt the presence of Frieza nearing earth so you all went to where his space ship landed.
But when you all landed you seen a mysterious boy with purple hair that had just defeated Frieza and king cold with such ease.
You all followed him to where he said Goku would arrive.
Hey Gohan... Do you think this mysterious boy is telling the truth? You whispered to the half sayain.
Yeah! I believe him! I just know that my dad will be here, he just has to. Gohan said with a smile.
Oh how you loved his smile. It made you feel weird inside and it made your heart flutter. But you knew he didn't like you back.

(. Flash back. )

Hey Gohan! The 10 year old you said running up to Gohan who was just currently finishing up his homework Chichi gave him.
Oh.. hey (y/n) what's up? He asked you putting down his pencil and giving you a small smile.
Guess what Gohan!
What is it?
Just guess!
Ummm... You finally stopped hating Vegeta?
No! I still hate him but that's not what I'm talking about!
Then just tell me.
Ok. You said getting a little nervous, but he had seen that so he gave you an encouraging smile.
GohanIloveyou!!!!!!...... You said with an enormous blush visible on your face.
Umm...I'm sorry but I only see you as a sister... sorry (y/n). Gohan said rubbing the back of his neck feeling awkward.
Oh.....ok... You said feeling sad, then you ran into your room with tears running down your face. You went straight into your bathroom, pulled out a razor and started cutting your wrist.
(. Flash back ended. )
Yeah.. you said feeling sad because you remembered the flash back so you just walked away and sat on a rock that was away from everyone else.

(. Time skip to the cell games )

You just stood there with everyone else and watched Gohan fight cell.
Out of nowhere cell launched a surprise attack behind Gohan catching him off guard.
But you being smart unlike everyone else was studying cells movements and suspected that so you pushed Gohan out of the way, causing him to fall to the ground behind you.
Cell had ended up putting his fist in the middle of your chest, in result you fell in front of cell with Gohan still behind you.
( Y/N)!!!! Gohan yelled catching your body while gasps were heard from everyone else that was there.
(Y/N)!! Don't go! Please stay!
S-sorry Gohan I was going to die anyway, even if cell wouldn't have done this to me.... You said before your body went limp.
(Y/n) I never got to tell you that I loved you... I didn't know before when you told me... Gohan said with tears streaming down his face.
Then he stood up and defeated cell.

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