Trunks x reader

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I've decided to do a nice story this time and its kinda lame lol. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

(Age 8)

You were just a small child playing at the park with your friends, doing things that kids your age do. Right now you were playing hide and go seek with some other kids. You decided to hide in a bush and once you did you seen a picture of a boy with purple hair and blue eyes. You thought he was just so cute! So you kept the picture.

(Age 13)

You ended up keeping the picture in your scrap book. You looked at it from time to time. But you ended up having to go aboard to go to school so you left the book behind. So that caused you to forget about it.

(Age 20)

You met a boy that had went to the same college you went to. You two ended up getting close. So close that you two would go over to each others houses and eat all the food the other person had at their house. Lol

(Age 23)

You two have been dating for two years since you were 21. But now you two were married. You were showing him the pictures in your scrap book and you came across the picture of the purpled haired boy.

Babe? Who's the little boy?

He asked looking closer to the picture

I don't know I found it when I was younger, but he was my first love.

You said sighing remembering the day you found the picture.

Umm (y/n)...this is me.....I lost this picture when i was 9...

What? Really? You asked shocked looking back and forth between him and the picture.

Yeah...I guess we were meant to be!

He said smiling.

Yeah I guess so. Im glad I found that picture.

You smirked

Why you say that?

He was confused

Because I can use it as blackmail!

You said thinking about who your going to show the picture to.

Why Blackmail?

He was just looking at you like he was dumb.

Because You Look Like A Total Nerd!

You laughed watching his reaction. He was shocked that you would say that. He didn't look like a nerd! Well at least not to him he didn't...

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