Gohan x reader

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Lol jk its supposed to be sad. But idk if it is or not.

This story is about a girl that loved a boy.

A boy who didn't love her back.

It all started one spring day, the two were seniors at orange star high.

The girl has always admired the boy from afar, they weren't strangers to each other, actually they were best friends!

But the girl had finally worked up the courage to tell the boy that she loved him.

But that was the worst mistake of her life.

This is how it all happened

Hi Gohan! (Y/n) said running up to Gohan ready to tell him how she feels.

Umm...hey (y/n). Gohan said looking that the girl standing in front of him.

I got something exciting to tell you! You said smiling with your hands behind your back.

What is it? I'm kinda in a hurry. He said fixing the grip of his book bag.

Gohan I love you! You said blushing with a small smile.

Oh ok.... Was his response.

What do you mean oh ok? You said feeling sad.

I mean oh ok. Your just a friend in my eyes nothing more nothing less. He had said quietly.

Why? You said feeling confused. You were certain that he liked you, but now you weren't so sure.

Look im running late I'll tell you later. He said then walked away to his home.

Weeks past every day you asked him 


And he would say I'll tell you later, im busy.

A month had past 

Gohan! Stop avoiding my question, just tell me why! You yelled at him crossing your arms.

You wanna know! Alright fine! Your not pretty! Your average! I want someone that's pretty..like videl! Now leave me alone! He said walking away from you not even looking back.

You just stood there frozen. I'm not pretty?.... I'm.... average?...pretty like...videl? That was all that was going through you head. You walked home thinking about what gohan said.

That's when you got an idea.

When you got home you went straight to the bathroom and locked the door so no one would walk in.

You grabbed some lipstick and wrote on the glass with tears running down your face.




Then out of one of the drawer you pulled out a razor.

All you could do is just stare down at it.

An hour later your friend who you lived with knew something had happened because you were never in the bathroom that long so they picked the lock.

What they had seen was a very gruesome sight indeed.

Then seen you sitting on the toilet lid with cuts all over your body.

It looked like a murder scene because of all the blood.

Then they seen the mirror.

At the bottom it read

Am I pretty like her now?

When the boy found out he felt guilty.
He actually loved the girl.
The only reason he told the girl he didn't was because he was being forced to marry videl in a few months. He didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings.
He ended up getting really depressed after a while.
Then he thought
I need her...
Later on that day his wife videl found him the bedroom with a gun laying on the bed and a bullet in his head.
Then she found a note saying
I need her.

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