yandere Demigra x reader

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That's all you could do was run.
Why would you be running?
Oh no reason, only that you have Demigra hunting you down.
Why would he be hunting you down out of all people?
Oh no reason except that you have an extraordinary energy that a human should not have.
Well unfortunately for you, you have be stalked by the demon god but he was always watching you in the shadows.
Run as much as you want, you'll never get away from me!....(Y/n)

Of course that's stating the obvious, and that's something you didn't want to do at the moment.
But since you were being you, you had tripped over nothing O.o
As soon as you tried to get up and run, your worst fear happened. Demigra himself was right in front of you with the sinister, wicked smirk of his.
And where do you think your going?
He asked lifting you off of the ground, but still holding you into the air by the front of your shirt.
You were shocked, shooken up and, frozen in fear of what was going to happen next.
He put his left hand up to your cheek and rubbed it lovingly.
That shocked you even more then before.
Oh you don't know how long I've wanted to do this.
He said and before you could even respond he pulled you Into a controlling kiss.
Then that's when everything turned for the worst.
You slapped him.
He looked at you with such rage filled eyes and threw you into the stone wall.
How dare you, you ignorant, ungrateful, fool!
He walked up to you and picked you up by your throat with a tight grip, but loose enough for you to breathe.... For now
I should kill you but I need you right now, so your lucky but if you do something like that again it's over for you.
All you could do was just nod your head,too scared to speak
He smirked his infamous smirk of his that sent shivers down your back, and not in a good way.
Mhm good choice. Don't try running away either.
He said tossing you over his shoulder and took you to the crack of time where you would be spending the rest of your life.
You will be staying here with me for eternity. Oh and don't worry, in here you don't age.
He laughed his sadistic laugh that made you feel uncomfortable. So you did what your gut told you to do. And that was to
Oh how wrong your gut was to tell you that.
Demigra was enraged when he saw you run after he told you not to.
He caught you with ease amd threw you into a chamber and tied you up, you hands chained up together, while your feet were on different chains which made your room to walk around limited.
What did I tell you! I said not to run away!
He said with rage written clearly on his face.
You started to cry but of course he didn't care.
He pulled out a whip and whipped you until you almost bled out.
I hope you learned your lesson.
By this time all you could do was just sit there and stare at him the whole time.
He smirked seeing that you had finally given up.
Your mine, my (y/n)

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