Tapion x tomboy!reader lemon

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I havent gotten that far in dbz so idk tapion that much so bare with me. I will be using alittle bit of the song earned it by the weeknd. Hey I tried mhk. You like it you like it. If you don't you don't. Lmao. I kinda got lazy during the lemon.

It was a Saturday night and you were invited to a house party all planned by bulma and of course she forced you into a dress. According to her you have to "dress to impress". The dress was a slim THICC 😉🍑👅dress that stopped 2 inches above your knee, your heels were 3 inches high. Once you got to the party you could smell the alcohol and the music was booming so loud you thought your ears were going to burst.

You and bulma split up with her going towards the big circle of people and you going to get a drink, away from the circle. While you sipped on your drink you seen Tapion standing by the all you can eat buffet.

"Oh (Y/n) I didn't think I would see you here...you look nice." He smiled while you played with your fingers.
"Oh um thanks, bulma kinda forced me to come so yeah.." "so I see...do you want to dance?" He replied with a small smile hoping you would say yes.

"I would but don't know how to dance." you looked down playing with your fingers again, he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Come, I'll teach you!" He then smiled that smile you fell in love with, you allowed him to teach you how to dance. You got the hang of it but you keep looking at your feet to make sure u didn't step on him, and he didn't like that. He had a plan tonight.

His plan was to wait for the right moment and confess his love to you. He loved you since the moment he laid his eyes on you. You were wearing shorts and a white tank top. You were training with vegeta, who you happened to defeat in a matter of minutes. He loved how confident you were and your pride that's even higher than Vegeta himself.

"You know (Y/n)...you make it look like it's magic." Before you could respond he pulled you closer and said "Cause I see nobody but you" you blushed silently praying that he was confessing. "Wh..what are you saying? "What I am saying is that I love you." He then brought you into a loving kiss, his hands slowly rubbing uo and down your sides.

In order to get air you broke the kiss and said "Ta..tapion...I love you too." Then brought him into another kiss, this one was more needy then loving. His tongue ran across your lips asking for permission, and you granted his wish allowing his wet tongue to enter and explore your wet cavern. But once again you needed you breathe so you broke the kiss again.

You took his hand and took him into one of the rooms upstairs and locked the door. He caught on and brought you over to the bed and began to ravish you in kisses. Slowly he pulled of your clothing piece by piece, making sure you were ok with it. Once you gave him the answer he was looking for he undressed himself as well, leaving you both fully naked.

He positioned himself and asked once more, "Are you sure about this (Y/n)?" Instead of replying you brought him into a needy lustfull kiss. He took that as a green light and began to thrust into you in an inhuman speed, making you scream in pleasure. "Ta-Tapion!" You screamed reaching your climax, tapions climax coming soon after. You fell asleep shortly after leaving tapion gazing lovingly at your sleeping face.

"I love you (Y/n)."

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