Father!Vegeta x Daughter!Reader

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Every time I put Vegeta it kept changing to vegetables smh lol. OK so I seen this story awhile ago so I decided to change it a lil bit. It's supposed to be sad but it's w.e.

You were a very bright and energetic child that everyone loved. You always brought a smile to everyone's faces, even piccolo himself couldn't help but smile everytime you did somthing cute. You were a daddy's girl. You always went with him no matter where he went, if he didn't let you go you would follow him.

At the Age of 7 you began to get every sick, you ran out of breath fast and started to lose weight. They just thought that is just because you were a female sayin. But one day as you were coloring you asked your father "daddy. What are you going to get me when I turn 13? Is it going to be a car, ooh how about a new doll house?!" Sighing Vegeta answered "Calm down child, you will get what I give you." You asked him that same question everyday until that fateful day that changed your life.

It was your 10th birthday and you were having a party outside with a bouncy house and other things that 10 years olds enjoy. As you were jumping on a trampoline you began to get dizzy and passed out and was admitted to the hospital. You had a bad heart. You didn't get it. What do they mean a bad heart? So you asked your father "daddy what do they mean I have a bad heart? Is my heart evil?" "No (Y/n) your heart isn't evil, your heart is....sick..yeah your heart is sick so your going to stay in the hospital until it feels better." "Oh..OK daddy I love you!" "I guess I like you too." "DADDY!" "Ok ok... I love you too."

Vegeta felt bad that you didn't understand what was going on but he was grateful that you were still cheerful even though your in the situation your in now. You were in the hospital for two years your condition had worsened. The doctors had clarified that you were going to die in the next 3 days if if a miracle didn't happen. But you already knew that, you could tell because of how everyone was acting towards you you and when you asked them they wouldn't answer.

Your father had came and brought you (your favorite flowers) and placed them on the table next to the window and said with watering eyes "(Y/n)...I know what I'm getting you for your 13th birthday." "Ooooohhhhh tell me daddy tell me what is it??!" "I can't you're gonna get it on your birthday like everyone else does." But my birthday is in 3 days." "I know just be patient child!" "Ok ok, I love you daddy" "I love you too....I guess." "DADDY!!"

That day came, your 13th birthday. The day you were supposed to die, but instead you started to recover and two months later you went home. You were upset that you didn't see you dad but you made a mental note to fuss him out. When you went home your mother gave you your last present and it happened to be from your father. It was a necklace and a note your mother put the necklace on your neck as you read the letter.

Dear (Y/n) ,

Happy birthday I hope you like your necklace it took me two weeks to find it, you better be greatful you brat. I want you to look closely at it. It's designed as a heart but if you open it it's a picture of me holding you on this day 13 years ago. But the necklace is not your present, your present is actually my heart. Literally. When you were ten we found out that your heart was bad and you needed an replacement but noone had the same blood or heart size as you except me. So I gave you mine so you can live. I've lived long enough, my life was full of sin but the fay you ever born you made me look at life differently. You gave me a reason to live, I know I didn't say this much but (y/n)...I love you.
your father Vegeta

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