yandere Demigra x reader part 2

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How long has it been since he held you captivated
3 months which to you felt like 3 years.
What did you do during those 3 months?
Oh nothing much except
Listen to Demigra and do what he wants
And sleep
That's it, not bad right?
Yea Demigra himself was thinking about letting you out of the chamber and let you do whatever you wanted expect you know, leave.
But you messed everything up.
How did you mess everything up?
Well you see, you have been planning a way to get out.
What was your plan?
Your plan was when he takes off the chains and let's you do whatever you will Try to escape.
How you may ask?
By the same way Demigra escaped.
By making distortions in time so you could make a portal so you could leave.
Sounds like a great plan, right?
Not really.
Why not?
Because Demigra knew of your plan, he just wanted to see if you would actually try it.
And like a fool you did.
When the portal was formed you were so happy, you thought you were finally free!
Oh how wrong you were.
When Demigra seen the portal he grabbed you, destroyed the portal, and threw you into the chamber once again.
You were scared on the glint in his eyes, it was something you would only see in a murderer eyes.
You never learn, do you?
He said deadly calm walking towards you with a sadistic smirk.
That frightened you, you swore you were going to die.
And who knows that just might happen.
This time I'm not going easy on you.
Not going easy on you?
When did he ever go easy on you?
He went easy on you when he whipped you.
Since you are such an ungrateful fool you will get a real punishment.
His smirk got bigger and even more wicked.
It's scared the soul right out of your body!
He grabbed you by the hair and pushed you against the wall.
Put chains on your wrists and ankles
Your not leaving no matter how many times you try!
Then he abused you by the time he was done you where nearly alive.
You had 5 broken ribs, both hands and feet were broken, a broken nose, 2 black eyes, and you had a hole in your chest.
And in your ear he whispered
Your mine for eternity

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