Vegeta x reader

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"Vegetaaaa~" you said laying down on the couch.
"What is it woman!" He said walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in his hand with a towel around his neck.
"What are you doinggggg~"
"I'm about to train, now if you don't mind I'm leaving." He said harshly then walked to the door.
"BABY COME BACK!" You reached out for him while he just stood there.
"Did...did you just call me baby?..."
"Nahhh what do you want me to call you, Faggot?" You said sarcastically rolling your eyes.
"No! Don't you ever call me that! I am Vegeta th-"
"Prince of all sayains. I know this already Vegeta."
"Are-are you mocking me?" He said in a deep tone looking straight in your soul.
"And if I was? I'm not scared of you." You said crossing your arms staring right back at him.
"Mhm." That's all he said and walked outside.
"Oops I think I just made him mad....all well I guess I'll just make him something to eat, that all ways makes him feel better!" You said standing up and ran into the kitchen.
~.         Meanwhile with Vegeta.      ~
"I think I did it...yea I think she believed that I was mad, now she going to make me something to eat like always." Vegeta said smirking to himself.
~.       Back to you.      ~
"I think that should be enough.."you said wiping the sweat off your brows looking at all the food you made for Vegeta.
"He's lucky that I like him because if I didn't I would have killed him by now." You walked outside and stepped into the gravity chamber and instantly fell to the ground.
"Huh...(y/n)? What are you doing in here?" He walked over and turned the gravity back down.
Oh nothing just you know laying down on the floor.
"Enough with the sarcasm woman. what do you want?" He helped you up off the floor.
"You already know, so cut the crap and go and eat before I put worms in it." You smirked seeing his reaction.
He froze when he heard the word worm, which caused you to smirk even more.
"So you want me to put worms in it?"
"No!" He ran into the kitchen and scanned the food to make sure there weren't any worms in it, while you on the other hand had put a worm in his drink.
"Is it good Vegeta?" Your smirk was still visible on your face, while he nodded.
Very soon all the food was gone and he had yet to touch his drink.
"Oh Vegeta arent you thirsty? Here drink this." You handed him a cup of juice so he wouldn't be able to see the worm.
"Thanks." He said then chucked the whole drink down while you just stood the watching.
He froze.
"There's something wrong." He said a bit frightened.
"Whats wrong Vegeta?" You said now having a PokerFace.
"I feel something in my throat" he said panicking.
"Oh that? It's just a worm"
"A WORM!" He flipped completely out, so much that the worm flew out him mouth.
You just stood there laughing the whole time.
"Aww Vegeta look! It's the worm! You said picking it up, and walking towards him. ( Of course you had gloves on.)
"Get that thing away from me!" He ran and locked himself into the bathroom and stayed there for the rest of the day.

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