Yandere! vegeta x Shy! reader

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I haven't been writing stories in a while so I might be a little rusty. :\

Oh (y/n)~ one day you'll be mine.

A voice whispered into your ear while you slept. You've been hearing that same voice for the past week, it sounded very familiar but you didn't know who's voice it was.
You just thought you were hearing things so you ignored it, not telling anyone about it.

Oh what a major mistake that was.

Weeks after weeks, months after months, its gotten worse. To the point where you barley get any sleep at night. You started getting love letters, voice mails, phone calls, etc.. No matter how many times you changed your phone number they always managed to find you.

(Y/n) I will make you mine!

One night you felt hot breath on the back of your neck, when you turned over to see what it was and it completely shocked you. It was vegeta! He had a sickening smile plastered on his face.

You WILL love me!

Oh (y/n), you don't know how long I've waited for this day~
He said twirling a strand of your hair around his finger.
What...what are you doing here?? You started you slightly panic as he slowly inches closer to you. (Y/n) don't you see? We were meant to be. You will be my wife and well live happily ever after like the rest of the stories you earthlings read. He said in a whisper sending shivers down your spine.

Even if its by FORCE!

GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK! you shrieked as you jumped out of the bed running downstairs towards your front door. Right when you grabbed the doorknob vegeta yanked you away for the door towards him. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?? YOU ARE MINE! You were then pushed against the wall with a knife against your neck. You made me do this. Vegeta says while he penetrates your skin with the knife until you pass out from blood loss. The last thing you heard was

Your mine(Y/n)...forever...

_______________________________________________________________________so how was that? I hope y'all enjoyed it! Its kinda short Ik. :\

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