King's Cross Station

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It was a bright and sunny day, odd for the first of September when the weather was constantly changing. There was a light breeze, that made the summer day slightly less chilly. The leaves were just turning colors and falling off the trees, as the Potter family rushed around the house, getting ready for all three children to be sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, yet again.

Albus was now a fifth year, and his relationship with his father had become much better, throughout the past year, and maybe they weren't very close, but the relationship was coming along better than in previous years.

"Dad?" Albus yelled questioningly down the stairwell, peeking his head out of his bedroom door, while searching for the blanket his father had given him.

It didn't seem like much, but it was everything to Albus, although at first he had been a bit rude and harsh to his father about it. Calling the now beloved object, a musty old catastrophe.

"What is it Al?" Harry Potter asked, walking into the room.

"I can't find the blanket you gave me! James didn't take it did he? He's always trying to get back at me for- I don't even know why. And he still hasn't shut up about my being in Slytherin!" Albus huffed, crossing his arms in an angry gesture. Harry had sat down on the bed, ready to listen to what his son had to say.

"He doesn't understand that it's just a house, it's not like I'm evil, right? He doesn't understand, I'm not Slytherin because I chose it, the sorting hat just figured that it was right in choosing Slytherin. Uncle Ron and told me that you had told him that you were almost in Slytherin, but like you said the sorting hat did take my feelings into account, and it went with Slytherin. That's not a bad thing, right?" Albus paced as he was speaking, a known trait of his father's when frustrated, angered, or confused.

"I know it's a little late to be overthinking it, but Scorpius and I, well we're the misfits in Slytherin. The ones who don't seem to belong, because I'm the Potter kid that shouldn't be there, and people are still referring to Scorpius as Voldemort's son. I wish we could have put the real story out there, not some fake story to cover what terrors really happened last year." Albus rambled, as Harry placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Al, I know, that what happened last year really shook you, I've had some things like that shake me in my life, and well one of those things was loosing you, I couldn't sleep, knowing that you were lost, and I never want to go through that again. I-I know I'm not the best at showing it at times, but I really do love you, even if we need some working on our relationship. I love you, Albus." Harry sighed, pulling his son into a hug, which was slowly but surely returned.

"James! Stop throwing that snitch in the air right now! You shouldn't even have that!" Ginny yelled, exasperated. James could be heard loudly, as the boy had no inside voice, saying that he was sorry to his mother. Harry bent down beside the bedside table, to come back up with the blanket Albus was so desperately searching for.

"Al, I found the blanket." Harry said, handing his son the blanket.

"Thanks dad." Albus mumbled, packing the blanket into his chest.

"No problem, now I'd better go downstairs to mention to James that your mother could just hex him for the day, but I'm sure she wouldn't ever do that." Harry said, with a small grin at Albus. Albus smiled back, and picked up his ferret, Bandit.

"Hey, you ready to go back to Hogwarts buddy?" Albus placed Bandit in his travel cage, and finished packing his luggage. As James and Lily had been ready before Albus, and already had their trunks downstairs, Albus was the last one ready.

"Alright, in the car, you lot." Ginny said, holding the door open, as the kids rushed out of the house, Harry following behind with the chests. As soon as the Potters had everything situated, the family drove to Kings Cross Station. When they arrived at the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10, the family ran the carts into the wall full speed, and wound up at platform 9 and 3/4.

"Albus! Why did you steal my Godric Gryffindor chocolate frog card?" James accused his younger brother, looking rather cross.

"As a matter of fact, James, I did not steal your card." Albus replied, stone faced.

"Well, you had to have! I know Lily very well doesn't collect chocolate frog cards, and she wouldn't steal one of my favorite cards so it was you!" James said irritably.
"Would you two please stop arguing, I'm talking to Hugo, and it's so loud thanks to you two I can't hear a word he's saying!" Lily snapped at her brothers.

The train whistle sounded, warning families that students must get on before the train departed without them. "James, honest, I didn't steal your card. You probably lost it." Albus reasoned, taking his chest and Bandit off of the cart. James walked away from his brother, muttering to himself.

"Bye mum, I'll see you at Christmas." Albus said, hugging his mother. James quickly did the same, making sure none of his friends had seen him, said goodbye to his father and ran off to find his usual compartment. Lily had done the same, but Albus was waiting a little longer, although he knew he'd run into some bully along the way, he needed to say goodbye to his father the proper way. After a few years of feeling misunderstood, and slightly unwanted, Albus felt like he finally had a bond with his father, and he didn't want to break what had started forming from their efforts in fixing the wrongs. He walked up to his father, and hugged him tightly.
"Dad? I know I need to hurry, but I just wanted to say goodbye, the proper way, to make up for the years I never bothered to even say bye." Albus mumbled, clutching onto his father's shirt.
"I'll see you at Christmas." He said before rushing off to the train, with his luggage in hand.


(Author's note:
Hello readers! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, I plan on updating every other day, so expect some constant updates. As the school year sets in though, I may have some days where I don't update as much. But this is my take on what happens after the events of The Cursed Child. If you have any feedback please comment, I'm always open to constructive criticism.
If you have any ideas you'd like to see in the book, please feel free to message me, or comment about the idea. Don't forget to vote! Thanks for reading! )

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