The Order of the Phoenix

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Harry apparated into Number Twelve Grimmauld Place at the exact same time as Draco Malfoy had.

Harry nodded at Draco and quickly sat down, his mind was whirring with thoughts- the only one that stood out though, was the thought of Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was somehow alive, and in perfect health.

He and Professor McGonagall had been taking turns as headmaster, splitting the duties equally.
Harry's parents arrived, and sat next to Sirius and Remus, and the four began to chat as if no time had passed at all.

Harry glanced at Mrs. Weasley's family clock and realized that instead of just 9 arms, there were now more than 30, and yet the clock still managed to keep up. He was still lost in awe at the clock, when he noticed that Ginny's hand was on his shoulder.
She sat down, and held Harry's hand as those gathered waited for the rest of the Order to arrive.

"How's teaching been going? You're less stressed than you had been," Ginny mentioned, curious in learning more about Harry's new career.

"It's great! I love it, I get to teach my favorite subject, and I have time to get to know my Father and Remus better." Harry said, as his eyes lit up with exhilaration.
He really did love teaching, it was a nice change from his time as Head Auror.

Hermione and Ron were the last two to arrive upon the premises, and the meeting commenced.


"I know we're all waiting on word from Draco," Professor McGonagall nodded in his general direction,
"But before that happens, we need to discuss some of the information that Dumbledore shall share with us in a moment."

Dumbledore walked over to the head of the table and sat down. He folded his hands together, and began to speak .

"My dearest friends, my fellow Order members, I'm afraid that we have a new prophecy amongst us. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is already aware of this, but he has no idea how the prophecy will play out. I must say, that I was surprised that it was about a child. I was sure it would be about Harry, yet I have only seen enough of it to know whose prophecy it is."

Harry felt a chill of dread rush down his spine, as he took in the information.
'What if it's James? Or Lily? It could even be Albus. . . '

He couldn't bear the thought of that, but knew all too well that it could be possible.

Ginny spoke up first.
"Who is the prophecy about?"

There was an unsettling silence amongst the members.

Dumbledore stared off somberly, and heaving a sigh he stood.

"The child, I regret to say, is one of your own. Albus..."

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