The Three Brothers

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    As the days began to get warmer, and the snow slowly began to melt, Albus was cramming to get classwork finished. He had written multiple essays, and he was ready to just throw every last draft of papers in the fire. Scorpius had been working on an essay in the Common Room, when Nyx ran into the Slytherin dorms, not even bothering to try and hide her Gryffindor colors anymore.

"You two are getting off your bums and coming with me." She announced, her wand aimed at Albus, mocking a kidnapping.

"I'd love to really, but Scorpius and I are working on essays." Albus said with an annoyed sigh. Everything had been getting on his nerves lately. He kept burying himself in school work just for the fun of it, and Albus hated school work. He didn't know what was wrong, he'd been perfectly happy, and then he was suddenly this agitated mess. He couldn't explain why he had these moods, he just did.

"C'mon, it won't kill you, will it?" Scorpius asked with a grin.

Albus sighed, "Fine. Where are we going anyways?"

"To find your siblings. I was doing some research, and I think part of the prophecy deals with the Three Hallows."


Albus had quickly decided to grab the Invisibility Cloak from his trunk, and he had ran back down the stairs.

When he arrived back in the Common Room, Nyx had been speaking with Scorpius about something to do with one of her creatures.

" ... My niffler had a piece of the Resurrection Stone in his pouch, and he had some weird blue stone too."

Albus' thoughts came to a rushing halt. Nyx had found the Stone of Truth, and the Resurrection Stone?

How was that possible? The Stone of Truth was hidden from anyone who seemed to seek it, and the Resurrection Stone had been destroyed by Albus' father in the Battle of Hogwarts. Besides, you couldn't just glue the Resurrection Stone back together.

"Nyx, I'm not saying that's impossible, but the Resurrection Stone has been destroyed for a few decades, how would one piece it back together if it was made by Death?"

"Albus, I think you know the answer. We need three people descended from the Peverells. It's only logical that the three people would be siblings, and not to mention your family's direct link to Ignotus Peverell. Of course, you had probably figured that out on your own."

Scorpius, whom had been quiet for a little while, spoke up.

"But how would we get Death to fix the stone? How are we going to find the Elder Wand? And in the original tale there are three brothers, not two brothers and a sister."

Nyx took a turn down the left hallway towards the Gryffindor dorms.

"Well, you have a point, but that might not matter. Not if we have a blood bond at least. I don't know how we'll get Death to fix the stone, who knows if he'll even show up, but the Elder Wand is probably going to be the hardest to find." Nyx said, as she turned to go up the stairs.

'The Elder Wand is the least of our worries.' Scorpius thought with a resigned sigh.


Lily Potter was finishing the last chapter of a novel, when her older brother James came storming down the stairs.

"He had to go and steal my cloak, and my map. They were mine first!"

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