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   Nyx, Teddy, Lily, and James landed on their feet in the potions classroom.

"Woah." Teddy said, as he regained his balance. "So . . . You were my mother in a past life?" Teddy shook his head, this was all very confusing.

Nyx just shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe? I just know that I know your parents like the back of my hand, as you saw from those memories."

   There was a knocking on the door, and Lily said that the person could come in.
Albus and Scorpius walked in, with Professor Mcgonagall.

"Dad? Wait, you're not my dad, you have brown eyes, and my father has green," Albus questioned, as soon as he walked in.

Scorpius who was right next to Albus, was shocked as well, but he had noticed Nyx and Teddy in the room. Albus was busy studying the two people in front of him, before there was yet another knock on the door.

   Professor Mcgonagall opened the door to find Victoire Weasley.

   "Professor Mcgonagall, you have a visitor, and they need to see you 'righ away." Victoire's voice floated into the room.

"Excuse me, I must see who has come to visit. I'll be back with them as soon as possible." Professor Mcgonagall said, and with that she was gone.

Albus was curious, as to why these people were so familiar. This included Nyx as well.

"Why are there memories in the Pensive?" Scorpius asked, looking at the swirling silver streaks.

"Well, I think all of us, but Teddy, has a story to tell." Nyx spoke up, from standing next to Teddy.

Professor Mcgonagall strode into the room, with none other than Harry Potter.

"Dad!" Albus said, in greeting. "Hi, Albus." Harry smiled, and hugged his son.

Albus may have been sixteen, but he was never too old for hugs- at least in Harry's mind.

"Professor Mcgonagall, who are these people?" Albus asked, indicating the man and woman whom both of which looked like they'd been hit with an unforgivable curse.

"Oh, Nyx, could you take those memories out of the pensive, so I could use it to explain to Mr. Potter, what exactly is going on." Professor Mcgonagall said, as Nyx quickly obliged.

"Professor, what's going on?" Harry asked, his voice sounded more like that of a small child, as to one of a forty year old man.

"Professor Pryor? And Professor Pratt? Could you kindly come here so we can explain to Harry all that's happened the last, uh, four decades?" Professor Mcgonagall said, she knew what was going to happen, would come as a shock to all of the people in the room.
She looked at Lily, who looked ready to cry at the sight of her son, all grown up and with children of his own, but she stayed strong, for the time being.

"Lily" and "James" as Nyx had been silently calling them, walked up to the pensive, and Nyx watched as they both disposed the same memories from both points of view. This would be a little while, but Nyx wanted to know who the strangers were.

Harry, Albus, Scorpius, Teddy, Nyx, Professor Mcgonagall, and James and Lily were all spread around the pensive, and then, they were all sucked into the memories.



   Lily Evans was walking to the one place she and James called their hiding spot. The clock tower. The clock, had been broken for a few decades, and no one bothered to fix it, so there wasn't a chiming that would send blood rushing out of your ears. Lily wondered why James had been so secretive, it was their last few days at Hogwarts, and the two had already finished exams. They'd been together for about eleven months now, but Lily knew she had made the right decision in falling in love with James Potter. Sure, James would always be an arrogant toerag, but he had changed, not for her specifically, but for his friends. He knew that with the war coming closer, that he had to protect his friends and family.
   As Lily arrived at the clock tower, she saw an isle of lily and rose petals, two of her favorite flowers, leading up to James. James Potter, the arrogant toerag; her arrogant toerag, dressed in a suit and tie, with Remus, Sirius, and Peter with him. She looked up, and there were floating candles, like she loved staring at in the Great Hall. She walked to James, wondering what all of this was about, until he was on one knee.

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