A Resurrection

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3rd person omniscient  POV (had to clarify that)

   The wind was howling, and a dark figure was approaching the grave of Bellatrix Lestrange.

The figure almost floated towards the grave, she knew what must be done.

"Mother, I have failed you, and I have failed father as well. But I must right my wrongs, and we will come back, stronger than before. No one, not even the Chosen One will be able to stop us this time."

The figure took down the hood of her cloak, and took a silver knife from her pocket, she sliced her arm and dripped the blood into the cauldron of bones she had dug up.

"Blood from a daughter, willingly given, bones of the others thoroughly dug, and flesh from an animal pure of heart," She took the flesh of a unicorn and added it to the brewing cauldron beside her.

"And blood from an enemy savored for a year, resurrect the deceased Death Eaters."

She pulled a vial out of her robe pocket, and poured the crimson liquid in. It was a good thing she had gotten it from Albus when she did, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to do this.

She spoke in a voice that was as cold as it was evil, and with that, the cauldron turned a vivid red, for she had put not one, but one of all of the deceased death eater's bones into the cauldron.

Her father would rise again, and this time she'd be there to help.

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