A Meeting

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A silvery haired girl sat next to her father as her younger sister strode into the room.

"Well?" Bellatrix asked as the younger child arrived.

"The deed is done. Rose Granger-Weasley was unharmed, but the other two- Potter and Malfoy, they're fine now. I was unable to rearrange their memories, as McGonagall and Dumbledore had arrived after the attack. Yes- he's back as well, bothersome really." The ebony haired girl rolled her eyes, then looked to her older sister.

"What have you been doing lately? Any major damage yet?"

Delphi stared at her younger sister, "For your information, I've been doing plenty of work behind the scenes. Father trusts me more than you."

"Yeah right, you got yourself caught and can't go out in the field anymore."


"Silence!" Bellatrix hissed, running her wand across her palm. "Now, you had both better behave, we have guests arriving."


Narcissa Malfoy sat next to her husband as deatheaters apparated into the room. Some had been deceased for quite some time, and others, they had gotten off with tipping the Ministry on the more wanted's whereabouts.
Narcissa looked to her left, and placed a hand on her son's.

Draco had tossed the ultimatums in his head far too many times, and yet still wound up with his being here. He sat tensely at the table, a vice-like grip on his wand. He shouldn't be here. But if he didn't come his son could have been harmed, and Draco wouldn't allow that. Scorpius had already been through too much in his 15 years of life.

Doors slamming open startled those present.
"I thought you said he was-"
A man with pale blonde hair started to say, only to be stopped by Voldemort holding a hand up.
"Yes, I know what I said Gellert, but I had only gotten this information myself today. I'm also sorry that he's somehow alive."

Grindelwald seethed, "Well, maybe this time I'll be the one killing him."

"All in good time, all in good time." Voldemort hissed, as he studied his ranks.
Wormtail- the filthy coward was hiding in a corner avoiding his gaze. Dolohov, the Black family- minus Sirius and Andromeda, the Malfoy's, some of Grindelwald's followers, and those Delphi had managed to round up surrounded the table.

"My fellow deatheaters, we are here today to plan our next attack upon the country, and the rest of the Wizarding World. Our ranks have grown. We have Dark Lords stationed around the world, whom have ranks larger than this. Our attacks will be not only on Wizarding Schools, but entire communities, Muggles included. We'll finally rid the Earth of those impurities called mudbloods and half-bloods. There shall only be pure-blood among us when we are done."

A chorus of cheers erupted from everyone around the table.

"Silence!" Grindelwald snapped, as he held his temporary wand in his hand. He'd reclaim the Elder wand soon enough.

"Now, I've heard rumor that the Deathly Hallows are still out there, is this true?" Grindelwald asked, as he twirled his wand in his hand.

"Sir, if I might-" Peter Pettigrew stuttered, "I know where one of the Hallows is, the Invisibility Cloak, Albus Potter has it."

"Potter has the cloak. Alright, it'll be easy to get him over to our side with some slight persuasion." Voldemort said, his gaze drifting to where Draco sat.
"Draco? Have you talked to your son yet? He must know that if he joins us he'll be rewarded greatly indeed."

Draco shook his head slightly. "No, my Lord. I have yet to ask my son, as he's been busy with his school work. I shall ask him the next chance I get."

Voldemort glowered, "Very well. I needn't remind you of what happens when someone disobeys my orders."

Voldemort looked around, knowing that he'd finally be able to have the world he wanted soon enough.

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