The Lion and the Snake

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Albus and Scorpius made their way down to the Quidditch Pitch so they could change into their game robes.

"Nervous?" Scorpius asked Albus, as they walked hand in hand to the locker rooms.

"Not really, I have my good luck charm with me." Albus replied with a laugh.

"And what would that be?" Scorpius questioned, elbowing Albus.

"Oh, you know a sweaty and smelly pair of game socks that I've worn every season and have never washed." Albus said sarcastically, then he stared at Scorpius. "No, it's not a pair of socks, actually it's you. You're my good luck charm." Albus grinned, and grabbed his broom.

"Let's win this thing."

Scorpius was a Chaser, he never liked the seeker's job all that much.

As the team walked out, and got into their positions, the quaffle was thrown into the air, and the game began.

"And they're off! It's a great day for Quidditch today, as the Gryffindors seem to be doing their best, we are the best after all." Cole Jordan said into the microphone, and earning a hard glare from Professor Mcgonagall.

Scorpius quickly scanned the crowd looking for Nyx, and Teddy, but they weren't there. He let the thought fly out of his mind as he went to catch the quaffle.

James was a Chaser on the Gryffindor team, and Fred II was the keeper. Rose was on the team, and she was a Beater.

Albus was flying on his broom when he saw that Lily was actually the other seeker. Great. His own little sister, was going to wind up beating him, if he didn't get the snitch before she did. What, was this make half the  Gryffindor Potter's, Granger-Weasley's, and Weasley's play against Albus day?  That's how it seemed.

Albus saw the snitch flitting about, and then saw it zoom under the bleachers, and Albus took his chance and went after it.

"Oh, and it's Potter versus Potter. Brother against sister, who will catch the snitch? Well, we still have a while folks, this match has just started."

Scorpius had caught the quaffle, and had already scored a goal to James' dismay.

"And Slytherin takes the lead, with twenty to nothing." Cole said, unenthusiastically.

'Well we can tell he's not picking sides.' Scorpius thought, as a bludger flew past him and towards Alyssa Hayes. She whacked the bludger, and it soared towards the Gryffindor team, nearly hitting Fred II.

"Look at that- a bit of a nasty foul there- okay, I stand corrected, that was not a foul from Slytherin, they are playing a fair game ladies and gents. Shocking, I know." There was a loud screech from the mic as Cole had dropped it.

"Sorry about that, I really mean it Professor Mcgonagll, I'll shut it with my side comments about the Slytherin team."

While Albus and Lily had been neck and neck reaching for the snitch for the last fifteen minutes, and the small flying ball had kept staying a few inches from either of their grasps. Gryffindor had scored forty points all while Albus and Lily were chasing the little golden ball.

"And it's Gryffindor with the quaffle! And oh- they failed to score, quite a bummer there."

Scorpius had the quaffle now, and he was flying towards the Gryffindor goal, and he chucked the ball into the center goal.

"And Slytherin scores again! By Merlin, when has Gryffindor done this bad? I mean- GO GRYFFINDOR. But really guys, up your game! I need to see some fire out there, LET'S MOVE IT!" Cole shouted, and he ducked as Proffesor Mcgonagall looked ready to swat him.

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