Nightmares, Potions, strangely familiar faces, and a love triangle

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    Albus woke in a cold sweat the next morning, the vision from his nightmare was repeating itself in his head. 
   A girl had been running from something, a dark figure was chasing her.     

    There was a flash of light, then there was a bloodcurdling scream, and the girl fell, as dark spots of blood puddled around her body. There was soft laughter that echoed as the dark figure walked over her body. That nightmare hadn't been the only thing that had scared Albus awake so quickly, it had been the voices he had heard, soft as a whisper, hissing and worse than what he had witnessed last year.

"We're coming, and nothing is stopping us. Descendants of the followers will become mine once again, and the chosen one shall be of help no more." The voices of Delphi and Voldemort, sounded repeatedly in Albus' brain, his nerves skyrocketing into a hectic mess. Albus had known about the Horcruxes that his father, aunt, and uncle had destroyed, including one that had been inside Harry, his scar. But Albus also knew that in order to form a horcrux, you needed to murder and mean it.

    He had witnessed the death of Craig Bowker, and still had nightmares of that, and of Scorpius being tortured, but he hadn't thought of the other half of creating a horcrux, the part where once you've murdered, that part of the soul latches onto the first living thing closest to it, but that was only in specific situations. Albus knew Delphi was locked in Azkaban, but what if she had escaped? The Ministry wouldn't tell the public immediately that she was out and loose, it would only cause a panic.

  Albus decided to get ready for the day, instead of letting his mind dwell on his nightmare. Scorpius was still fast asleep, and snoring lightly, his blonde hair disheveled.

  "Scorp? Scorpius?" Albus whispered, shaking his friend's shoulder.  "Hmm. . . Rose go away. . ." Scorpius mumbled, pulling his blankets closer.

  Albus became annoyed, and pulled the dark green blankets off of Scorpius' bed. "Get up! It's our first day of school sleeping beauty." Albus said loudly, waking a few other fifth years who gave him a nasty glare.

  Scorpius woke up, and looked around warily, unsure of his surroundings, as he looked, he became more comfortable and realized that it was his dormitory, not wherever he had previously been in his sleeping state.

   "Good morning, Albus." Scorpius said.

"Good morning to you too, sleeping beauty. What, were you going to sleep all day?" Albus chuckled, as Scorpius teasingly punched Albus' arm.

   "No, I wasn't going to sleep all day, but now that we're both up why don't we get dressed and go to breakfast?" He asked, and Albus nodded in agreement.

    The two walked together to the Great Hall to get breakfast, on the way there Albus noticed a ghost that looked oddly familiar. He was confused as to why this ghost seemed familiar, although he could've sworn he had never met this ghost before.

   "Albus, I think I'm going to ask Rose to the winter ball this year. What do you think? Should I?" Scorpius asked his friend, "Albus?"

   Albus was jolted out of his reverie by the question.
"Oh, yeah go ahead, that'd be a wonderful idea. If she makes you happy, then I think you should ask her." He said smiling through the pang of pain that had just hit him.

'He really doesn't like me as more than a friend.' Albus thought, crestfallen.

   He couldn't let Scorpius know he was upset, so he just kept acting as if everything was fine.
As Scorpius sat down at the Slytherin table, Albus turned to go get something he'd forgotten from the dungeons, and ran right into a Gryffindor girl.

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