The Hogwarts Express

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Albus walked onto the Hogwarts train, like he had every year prior to this one. As soon as he found his usual compartment, he placed his luggage on the rack, and Bandit on the seat next to him.

"SCORPIUS!" Albus yelled, greeting his friend, who had been engrossed in a fantasy novel. Scorpius jumped, and looked up from his book, to see Albus.
"Hey!" The blond boy exclaimed, setting the book aside.
"Did you ever go to that Quidditch match like you wanted?" Scorpius asked Albus.
"No, dad was working most of the time, but we did have a few games at home!" Albus said, leaning back into the seat.
"My dad took me to see thestral races, did you know that was a thing? I sure didn't know of it. Apparently it's similar to a muggle form of entertainment, they race their horses, and see which one gets around a mile track or a half a mile track to see which horse wins. I read that it makes a lot of muggles money, from the gambling that goes on with the races. It's just that they use horses, not thestrals." Scorpius said, enthralled in the knowledge he had learned.

Albus smiled and shook his head, "You're a nerd." He laughed, hugging his best friend. Albus wondered how his best friend wasn't a Ravenclaw at times.

"This is our eighth hug to date." Scorpius told Albus, smiling.

'Hopefully we have many more.' Albus thought to himself.

He liked the feeling of protection he had in those hugs, the warm embrace would keep him from any harm at all. Albus blushed, and looked at his feet, knowing fully well that his crush on Scorpius had grown over the years. Albus had already accepted the fact that he was gay, and he was deeply in love with his best friend. His best friend, whom was probably straight. Albus cursed himself silently as he had become lost in thought and let his mind run wild when he heard the Trolley witch come by with sweets.

"Candy dears?" She asked sweetly, as Albus quickly declined the offer for candy.

In years previous, he might have actually bought some candy, but now that Albus and Scorpius knew just how mean the trolley witch could be, the two tried their best to avoid her. Albus and Scorpius had talked most of the train ride, Scorpius' book long forgotten. The two laughed, told stories of their summer, and talked about the promise of a new school year.

After a while, there was a knock on the cabin door, and James was there along with Rose.

"I know we aren't your house prefects, but Rose wanted to stop by, oh and you both need to get your school robes on, we're almost to Hogsmeade station." James said, glancing at his feet, then back at Albus and Scorpius.
"Right." Albus mumbled, as his brother walked off.

"Albus, I wanted you to know that we can hang out in our spare time this year, and if you need help or anything you can come to me." Rose said, "Scorpius, this includes you as well, because it'd be rude not to include you."

Albus nodded in response to his cousin, hoping she'd leave quickly so he'd be able to talk to Scorpius alone, just a little longer, but to Albus' dismay Rose didn't leave immediately after saying what she had needed to say.

"Rose, your hair looks really nice today." Scorpius said, in awe of Rose and her beauty. He was love struck, and had been since day one, when he met Rose. Albus knew this, and this was the only problem with Albus' ever growing crush on Scorpius. Albus loved his best friend's eyes, the light gray with flecks of blue in them, made Scorpius' eyes look like a mysterious frosty ocean. He loved his hair, a golden wheat color in the sunlight, the golden blonde being inherited from his mother. Albus loved his smile, and his laugh, that laugh sounded more beautiful than anything else on the earth, Albus was sure of it. He had fallen head over heels for his best friend, who would probably never love him back romantically. As Albus lost himself in thought once again, Rose had left the cabin, and the boys changed into their school robes.

"You know, now that I've seen you staring at Rose for about the fifth year in a row, I've realized that the whole "Pity is a foundation on which to build a palace — a palace of love." thing you said to me last year isn't really working for you. She likes you, just as a friend, mate," Albus said, grabbing his luggage, and waiting for the walkway to clear so he and Scorpius could get out to the carriages.

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