Property of the Half-Blood Prince

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The young girl walked quickly down the corridor, checking over her shoulder to be sure she hadn't been followed. The borrowed cloak around her shoulders swished with every step she took. Her inky black hair swirled behind her, her brisk steps echoing in the hallway.
She veered down a corner, and walked up the moving stairways, making her way to the seventh floor.

She saw the tapestry on the wall of Barnabas the Barmy, and walked past it.

'I need a place I can hide something.' She thought, pacing back and forth three times.

The door to the Room of Requirement appeared, and the girl walked into the room. The wide expanse in front of her was singed and burnt, but many items remained intact. The one she needed lay untouched under the head of a bust.

The girl strode over to the book, and took it off of its hiding place, it would finally be of use to someone.

She left the room quietly, the book in her possession, and she walked back to her house's dorms.

She placed the cloak back in the hands of the owner, the trunk as messy as she left it, and she returned to her chambers.

By the light of her wand, the ebony haired girl opened the book, which read: 'Property of The Half-Blood Prince.'

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