Transfiguration, and hidden meanings

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As soon as the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs had arrived, and everyone had been seated, Professor Mcgonagall had began her introduction lesson to Animagi to the class.
This was a lesson, many students had been eagerly awaiting.

"Today, we will be learning about Animagi. An Animagus is the animal form of your Patronus, you may not learn about the Patronus Charm for another few years or so, as it is a more complex charm for such a young witch or wizard to cast. Who could tell me how, one becomes an Animagus?"

Professor Mcgonagall scanned the classroom, her eyes landing on a Hufflepuff boy, who had his hand raised halfway into the air.

"Nathan Thomas?" She said, as the boy put his hand down, and began explaining his answer.

   There was a knock at the door, and Fred Weasley II stood in the doorway, waiting for a minute when Professor Mcgonagall was free.

"That's your cousin, right?" Alice, a Hufflepuff that sat with the boys, asked Albus.

Albus nodded, "Yeah, that's Fred."

   Fred, a sixteen year old Gryffindor, was captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and James was Fred's favorite player on the team, not to mention Fred's favorite cousin.

"Class, turn to page 394, it will show you the transfiguration we will be working with today, I should be back in a moment or so, NO TRANSFIGURING OBJECTS WHILE I'M GONE." Professor Mcgonagall said sternly, as she walked out of the class with Fred II.

   "Albus, are you ready for our first quidditch match?" Scorpius whispered to Albus, as they read through the lesson, and read more about Animagi.

"Sort of, I'm sort of nervous about facing my brother and cousins though, I know how good they are off the pitch, they're probably ten times better on the pitch." Albus said, as he found a ripped piece of parchment in his transfiguration book.

"Scorpius, look!" Albus whispered, shoving the parchment at his friend.

Albus and Scorpius read the paper to themselves, then became slightly confused.

The paper read;

Present, past, and future, the lineage of one family's fate may die. A family, long connected to the Peverell's, a family that can hide well, the hallow's cloak, shall be no match, for the elder wand still intact. The stone, alas is still not found, for the snake living with lions, will cave and come 'round.

The two boys didn't have time to dwell on the mysterious parchment they had found, as Professor Mcgonagall came back into the classroom, and began to finish teaching the lesson. The students had to finish a four paragraph paper on how to become an Animagus and turn it in the next class.

Albus decided it was best to keep the parchment a secret, at least until he and Scorpius knew more about it. He would ask Nyx if she knew anything about the 'Hallows' later.

As transfiguration was the boy's last class before dinner, the two had some time to go back to their dormitory, and finish homework and possibly figure out what the mysterious message meant.

When they walked into the fifth year dorms, Albus flopped down onto his bed, and took his wand out to practice his charms homework.

He pointed his wand at a quill on his bedside table.

"Accio quill." Albus muttered, but nothing had happened.

Albus sighed, and set his wand down.
Scorpius looked up from his Potions paper, a paper Albus had finished the night before, and noticed that his friend was slightly irritated.

"Albus, you're saying the correct incantation, maybe it's the hand movement, that isn't working?" Scorpius suggested, finally finishing his paper and charming it to dry.

"It's an arc, maybe you're flipping it? If you would like, I could help." Scorpius said, walking over to his friend.

"First watch me, then you try." He suggested, taking his own wand, and pointing it at a pillow on his bed.

"Accio pillow." Scorpius said evenly, moving his wand in an arc motion, as the pillow flew at him.

"You try it, Albus." He said, encouragingly.

Albus tried the spell, and this time it had worked. After at least five more tries, Albus had finally gotten the hang of it.

"Thank you, Scorpius. I don't know what I'd do without you." Albus smiled, as the two finished the rest of their homework.

Dinner would be served at six that night, and it was only five, so the two boys decided to go wander the halls of Hogwarts with the invisibility cloak that Albus had taken from his brother.



Sorry for the short chapter, but I'll make up for it next chapter, I promise. I think you'll like what's in store for the next chapter, and the following few. I already know how I'm ending the book, but if you want to find out, you'll have to finish this book.

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Thanks for reading!

- Kayla

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