Into the Pensive

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Nyx and Teddy had talked to Professor Mcgonagall, and she had send them to Professor Pryor's room for a sleeping Draught for Nyx.

When the two arrived, the door was open, so being polite as possible, Teddy knocked on the otherwise open door.

"Come in!" The voice of Professor Pryor came floating out into the hallway.

Nyx walked in with Teddy behind her side.

"Miss Light, and Teddy, how may I help you?" The professor asked, her red hair in a ponytail.

"Nyx was sent here to ask about a sleeping Draught? She's been having nightmares, but we wanted to see if you had a pensive we could look in? We need to be sure they're dreams as to memories." Teddy explained, and he let Nyx explain her situation.

A few moments later, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher walked in, and Teddy swore it was his uncle.

"Uncle Harry, what are you doing here? And why are you just waltzing in on Professor Pryor?" Teddy asked, and the man looked at Teddy with a sense of awe.

"He-he's not Harry." The voice of Professor Pryor sounded from behind them.

"He's uh, he's James, and I'm Lily." Professor Pryor explained.

"No you aren't! James and Lily Potter- the first of them at least, they're dead. Along with my father, and my mother, something strange is happening, and I don't like it." Teddy huffed, before Nyx tapped him.

"Teddy, um, the pensive, I uh, the dreams aren't dreams." Nyx squeaked, as she looked at the swirling silver liquid that were memories.

"James" and "Lily" walked over and asked permission to join, and Nyx merely nodded. With that, the four dove into the memories.

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