Severus Snape

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The end of spring was rapidly arriving, with May coming. Albus had been to a number of Death Eater meetings- deciding that the people really had no plan of action. If they wanted to attack, they needed to find a date and time, not just randomly go "Attack Gringotts" twenty four hours ahead of the attack.

"Albus," Scorpius whispered in the night.

"Yeah," Albus mumbled, turning onto his side.

"I don't want to go and do this, not tonight. I know they've all had this planned, but it's eight at night. Gringotts doesn't close until eleven, and parents, children, people with lives are there. It's terrible, and I hate it." Scorpius closed his eyes, trying to shut out the thoughts.

Albus sat up,
"I know, and I hate it took but it'll be worth it in the end, right? I mean, once we somehow overthrow You-Know-Who, Delphi, and Grindelwald that is."

Scorpius leaned on his elbow, staring at Albus.
"Yeah, hey, did I tell you about the prophecy I heard. Probably nothing to worry about, but I mean, in any case I should probably tell you."

Albus sighed. Another part of a prophecy he didn't want to be a part of.
"I don't really want to know about it. Nothing against the prophecy, but I kind of hate all of it. I mean, some days, I just want to pretend that it's not about us. And some days, I think we're in over our heads. Should we have joined? I don't know, but I'm sure trying to two time Moldy Voldy will get us killed, if not tortured until we die."

"Don't talk like that. We can't help it if there's a prophecy about us, but we can change our perspective on it. It's not awful, now is it? We may be the first two Slytherin's with a prophecy- we probably aren't but it's neat to think about."

Albus looked up at Scorpius, "Some days, I wonder how you're so positive."

"Well, it's easy to be negative about everything life throws you, but sometimes being positive makes you the happiest you can be." Scorpius shrugged, and rolled over into his back.

"Okay, now you sound like a bit of a hippie." Albus joked, a snigger escaping.

"Hey, they had some decent virtues, like wanting world peace." Scorpius objected.

"Oh right, so that everyone would own pet doves and they'd all sing together, all while being high on LSD?"

"I said some virtues not all." Scorpius remarked with an eye roll.
Albus waved his boyfriend off, and rolled onto his side again.

"Get some sleep Al." Scorpius mumbled.

He heard a slight chuckle, and a few minutes later, small snores.

Scorpius faced the canopy top of his bed, wondering how the war would end. With a jolt, Scorpius sat up. He could go to Gringotts tonight with Albus, and they could sabotage the plan. Then again, if they did that, they'd get killed with the building collapsing, and that would be very ineffective.

Scorpius lay back down in his bed and fell asleep, hoping no one would get too terribly hurt.


Albus woke up to footsteps. Not the regular footfalls of a student, but the harder footsteps of someone who may be angered. Albus sat up just in time to find the scowling face of the potion's master.

"Just like your father I see. He was always late to my classes, awful at potions too." The man gave a disdainful sniff then turned to Scorpius who was still fast asleep.

"Malfoy, no one ever gave you an explicit hour and a half to sleep through my class! I don't suppose you have a pass from Madam Pomfrey either."

Scorpius jumped awake, nearly hitting his head on the head board in his haste.

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