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    The days turned into weeks, and soon it was no longer September, as October had passed quickly as well, but now November had come. Nyx, Albus, and Scorpius- despite his dislike in the beginning of the friendship, had all become good friends. Nyx would try to blend in at the Slytherin table at lunches and dinner, by charming her robes to be Slytherin colors, as to Gryffindor. She loved the thrill of just sitting at another table and seeming rebellious.

   "Honestly, what is with you people and your houses?" She asked one day, as the trio ate lunch. "What do you mean? Scorpius asked, looking up from yet another book. This one being on counter jinxes and hexes. "I mean, the whole 'You MUST sit at your house table or you will have a detention!' thing!" She explained, as she picked up a French fry, she refused to call it a chip.

    "We've always had to stay at our house table, and we've never switched. It's always been that way, even when our fathers went here." Albus said, shrugging and taking a sip of his drink.

"At Ilvermorny, we were allowed to sit wherever, it didn't matter, as long as you actually ate lunch." Nyx said, moving her light purple hair behind her shoulder.

   Albus stared at Scorpius, in a daze. If Scorpius caught him, he'd just say he was day dreaming and didn't know he was staring. Nyx noticed Albus staring, but kept to herself, wondering what was going on in her friend's head.

   The three finished eating lunch, and had some free time before heading to their last two classes of the day. "We should go outside!" Scorpius suggested. "Yeah!" Nyx agreed, picking her books up. "I guess going outside for a little can't possibly be that bad." Albus said, taking his supplies outside with them.

    "I didn't think you two, of all people, would be able to make another friend!" A female voice scoffed.

A Gryffindor girl had walked up with her friend, Albus relatively knew who they were, but couldn't think of a name.

    "I don't mean to interrupt your diss fest, but frankly I don't care if you're trying to make us feel bad, because I'm sort of used to disappointing everyone, and I really don't care for what you have to say. So, if you're going to say something cruddy, then I suggest you leave, because I'm not going to tolerate anyone messing with my friends. You can try and push me around all you want, but it won't work. Just, don't mess with my friends and we won't have any problems." Albus said, his face cold, and a hand near his wand pocket in case he needed to fight.

    "I can see why you'd try to defend the son of the dark lord, Potter. What, since you're a Slytherin, have you gone bad too? Did you curse your family, and now you're going to follow ol' voldy's spawn over there?" The girl taunted, the Ravenclaw girl behind her saying nothing, but watching everything going on.

    Then Albus realized what the girl's last name was, or what he thought it was. Finnigan? Thomas? Hadn't some old friends of his dad's gotten married? Dean something and Seamus what's-it-or-other? He knew his parents had been invited to the wedding, but that was before James, Albus himself, and Lily had been born. Maybe it was a different family entirely, Albus didn't really care.
It didn't matter right now directly. This girl was insulting Scorpius, and Albus wasn't pleased with this.

    "He's not Voldemort's son! I would know if he were, trust me." Albus defended Scorpius, and the girl rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you get some better friends, like your brother, Albus? It might do you some good." She spat, "Oh, and Nyx why are you hanging out with these losers? They're not very good company if you ask me."

Nyx glared at the girl, "Well I'm sorry, but who I have for company is none of your business, Rachel."

Albus had noticed a second Gryffindor, with auburn hair, and hazel eyes walk up. Rose. Why now? He and Scorpius didn't need "rescuing" by his cousin!

"Actually, on second thought no one wants to be friends with Slytherins. I heard that not even the Hufflepuffs want anyone from your house."  Rachel went to turn, when she was met by Rose.

"Rachel, I believe that's enough." Rose snapped, her tone even, her eyes burning with anger. She didn't say it much, but she had wished that her and her cousin's relation was much stronger, but she wouldn't abandon her family. Even if that member kept pushing her away.

Rachel decided it was best if she hurried along, and Rose was already writing up a notice slip to give to her head of house.

Albus decided, reluctantly, to say thank you to Rose. It was the right thing to do, even if he was a bit stubborn.

"Rose, um thank you for what you did." Albus said quietly, while running a hand through his hair. A gesture he did when he was in an awkward situation.

"We're family Albus, I wasn't going to sit there and let you and your friends get beat up just because you're in a different house. I've heard the rumors, I know the other houses think Slytherin is evil to the core, but what they don't understand is that you're human, and you guys have to deal with the crap that everyone else gives you, and you guys don't even bat an eye. Some of the rumors I've heard, they're beyond rude, and I think the other houses have just given you guys a bad reputation." Rose said softly.

Albus decided that he needed to put his grudge aside with his cousin, and start with a clean slate. "Rose? Could we try and be friends again, family again? I know I screwed up with getting upset with you, and I really screwed up with not saying
I'm sorry." Albus said, hoping his cousin could find it to forgive all that he'd done wrong.

"I suppose," Rose said breaking into a smile, and hugging Albus.

Albus stiffened slightly, then hugged her back.

Scorpius and Nyx had been talking about their favorite books, and they had become great friends in the course of a few days.

Rose let go of Albus and waved. "I guess I'll see you guys around, I have Herbology to get to, c'mon Nyx!"

Nyx waved at her friends, and gathered her things, to get to her next class with Rose.

"Albus," Scorpius said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, "we should really get to Transfiguration. Professor Mcgonagall won't be too happy if we're late."

And with that, the two friends headed off to Transfiguration.


(To be continued next chapter)

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