Tinsel and Snow

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As the first winter days reached Hogwarts, many students were packing up and getting ready to leave for their winter holiday. This, included all of the Weasley's, the Granger-Weasley's, the Potters, Teddy, Scorpius, and Nyx. Nyx was going with her family back to the United States for a couple weeks, to visit relatives.

    "I'll see you guys when I get back! If I could write, I would. But I don't think Oaky would be able to fly across an ocean." Nyx said, as she left the school early, as she had to catch a flight.

The snow had fallen lightly, and the days that had lead up to winter break had been full of homework, as the fifth years had their O.W.L.S.

    Albus and Scorpius had walked back to their dormitory to pack.

"Maybe, if I can convince my dad, he might let me come over sometime within the next two weeks." Scorpius said, neatly folding his clothes into his suitcase.

He wasn't exactly bringing the whole trunk, only what he needed. Albus thought the habit Scorpius had of folding everything nearly was a nice representation of how he liked things. Albus, who could care less about folding his clothes, had chucked them into his suitcase, and had zipped it shut.

Scorpius had finally finished packing, and he closed his case.

"I was thinking, we uh, haven't, you know, kissed yet, but there's mistletoe everywhere." Albus said, blushing, and Scorpius blushed too. They didn't even bother to find mistletoe, as they were the only ones left in the dorm room, and they kissed.

They pulled apart after a minute or so, and Scorpius was blushing, and Albus was giggling.

"That was my first kiss." Scorpius said, as he took Albus' hand.

"It was mine, as well." Albus smiled, and hugged Scorpius.

   A thought dawned on Scorpius, and he didn't want to think of how his father would react to the thought he voiced,

"Albus, are we going to tell our parents? Should we?" Scorpius asked, his voice a uncertain.

"I don't see why you being bi, or myself being gay changes us, it's just a part of you and I. We shouldn't have to push it out there like it's some big surprise. It's a part of our identity, and they'll figure it out sooner or later." Albus said with a shrug.

   Scorpius thought about what Albus had said, and nodded. He didn't need to tell his father, and so what if he was bi? It was just a part of him, and he shouldn't need to come out it like it was a huge surprise.

"You're right. We shouldn't need to just out it." Scorpius said, as he grabbed his wand.  "I'm seeing both of my grandparents these next two weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to come over." Scorpius said, as Albus finished packing.

"I'm going on the train with James, Lily, Victoire, Teddy, Rose, Fred II, Roxanne, and Hugo. Oh, and we figured out how to get Uncle Fred on the train as well, he's sort of in my suitcase." Albus said, as a pale blue hand waved from inside the suitcase.

"Well, if you're going into a cabin alone, we can sit together. Maybe Rose and Kiara would like to stay with us?" Scorpius said with a shrug.

"Let's ask when we find  Rose!" Albus said, and the two left for the train departure home.


    Albus and Scorpius managed to get into the train without anyone suspecting Fred in the suitcase.

"Well, can I say, that we have just pulled the greatest heist of all time!" Fred said, flying out of the suitcase.
"You need to get back in there! The trolley lady's coming, and if Scorpius and I get in any more trouble, we're dead meat!" Albus whisper-yelled.

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