The Bloody Barron's Tale

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   The two boys had the invisibility cloak on, and were walking the halls when they heard a commotion.

"I heard, that Nearly Headless Nick finally got accepted into The Headless Hunt." The Grey lady said, joining a few other ghost's conversation.

Albus and Scorpius looked ahead of them, and saw many ghosts talking in a relaxed circle.

"Who's the new Gryffindor ghost? He's quite young if you ask me." The Fat Friar said, as the Bloody Barron flew in from a wall.

    Albus accidentally sneezed, and had blown their cover. The three ghosts now knew they had company.

"Who goes there?" The Bloody Barron sneered, he wasn't a fan of eavesdroppers.

Albus and Scorpius had no choice but to take the invisibility cloak off, as Peeves joined the circle of ghosts.

He realized the two boys were in trouble, and started singing,

"Wee Potty's boy has gone and got himself in trouble, Malfoy's here, it seems a bit queer, but now Filch is gonna grumble,
Uh oh, here we go, detention in the forest, just don't get eaten by a beastie, or else we'll have to have a parent meeting," Peeves cackled, zooming high into the rafters.

    Albus and Scorpius looked at each other, before Scorpius spoke up.

"Well, I'm Scorpius Malfoy, and this is Albus Potter.
We, really don't mean to interrupt, but we were wondering, if we'd be able to speak with our house ghost?"

"Sorry, I don't converse with the students in my house, or students in general." The Bloody Barron said, turning back to talk to the Fat Friar.

"We were wondering, if you'd know something about a paper we found in my book, and if you happened to know anything about Gryffindor's new ghost." Albus said, wanting the answers he so desperately sought.

    "Oh alright, I could tell ya a thing or two, but don't complain if I take a while to answer yer questions." The Bloody Barron answered, "I'm only doing this cause you're Slytherins, mind ya."

"Thank you, so much." Albus said, as Scorpius said thank you as well.

"Alright, before I help you two with your mystery paper, and the new Gryffindor ghost, I have a story to tell you."
The Bloody Barron gestured to a room that had just appeared out of nowhere in the third floor corridor.

"This, is the room of requirement."

    Albus had heard of this mysterious room, and had thought it had been destroyed in the second Wizarding War.

Albus and Scorpius looked around the room, amazed, but they soon noticed that they were not alone. There was a group of students in the room, and they had been practicing charms of some sort.

They had yet to acknowledge the two boys, and the ghost that had come into the room.

"You boy's have that invisibility cloak on, so they won't notice you, unless you take it off. There's some free chairs over there, you two should sit while I tell you my tale." The Bloody Barron said, he seemed fairly nice to students of his own house, that was.

    Albus and Scorpius sat down in a chair, the invisibility cloak hiding them still.

"It all began a long time ago. Well, make that around eighty years ago, when Tom Riddle was accepted into Hogwarts." The Bloody Barron began,

"Of course, many a wizard had tried to become the best dark wizard of their age, as there was also Gellert Grindelwald, who until he went rouge and started attempts at taking over the wizarding world, and muggle world alike, he had been quite close to a headmaster you were named after, Albus." He paused, taking a breath then began talking again.

"Dumbledore was actually best friends with Grindelwald, until things turned sour, as one day when Dumbledore and Grindelwald had gotten into a fight, in between the crossfire, poor Ariana Dumbledore was killed, and Albus never did forgive himself. Well, a while after that, Grindelwald tried to find the three hallows, the Deathly Hallows. Your father and his friends managed to find all three, but that comes in about five decades later. Anyways, Grindelwald had become the greatest dark wizard that had been seen for ages, and now, he was mass murdering, and had his sights set on harming everyone in sight with the Elder wand."

"Later, Dumbledore and Grindelwald had a battle to the death, and Dumbledore, had won.
Well years had passed, and all had been well, until a young orphan named Tom Riddle had began attending Hogwarts. He never acted troubled, he was a prefect, and head boy. Tom, was an exemplary student, with hardly any problems at Hogwarts. During his years here though, Tom made sure to ask some of the questions he needed answered most. Professor Slughorn, had at one point nearly told the boy how to create a horcrux, and this sparked Tom's interest. He knew just how to ask a question to get just the right information out of someone. Tom also opened the Chamber of Secrets, murdered, and blamed the thing on Hagrid. After Tom finished his years at Hogwarts, he worked at Borgin and Burkes for a year or so. He came back to Hogwarts to see if he would be able to get the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, but Dumbledore did not want this. So, hence the job was cursed. There would never be a teacher in that position who would stay longer than a year, that had been standing until now. Tom split his soul into seven pieces, only meaning to split it into six horcruxes, accidentally making Harry Potter, a horcrux.

But I can assume you two know the rest of the story, what with one of you being the son of the famous Harry Potter."

The Bloody Barron finished his tale, as Albus pulled a piece of parchment out, to show the ghost.

   "Would you happen to know what this means? Or at least, who might have wrote it?" Albus asked, thinking about the full story the Bloody Barron had told him.

"I've got no clue, I'm sure you'll figure it out. I'd ask your friends to help you understand it, and retrace your steps, that's all I can say boys."  He said, and with that, he left the two Slytherins.

"Well, Albus, I think we should go now, we still have to meet Teddy later tonight." Scorpius whispered, as the two managed to get out of the room unnoticed.

   Albus was holding Scorpius' hand, and he liked the feeling. Albus felt like a thousand butterflies were erupting from the pit of his stomach, and it was such a strange feeling, but he didn't want it to go away.

Scorpius was blushing slightly. His hand felt nice being held by Albus' hand. It just felt right.

'I like this. I like having such an amazing best friend, who would do anything for me.'
Scorpius thought to himself.

He wasn't unhappy with this thought. He was okay with it. It was perfectly alright, because he was slowly, but surely falling for his best friend, even if he didn't realize it, but Scorpius wouldn't have wanted anyone else but Albus by his side as his best friend.

Of course this meant having to approach Rose about his sudden revelation, he had came up with. But he also needed a chance to talk about the parchment he and Albus found with not only Rose, but Nyx as well.

"Albus, I uh, I need to go find Rose, and it's very important, do you mind if I borrow the invisibility cloak, and that parchment, and go find her?" Scorpius asked, as Albus nodded, allowing his friend to borrow the cloak.

"I'll see you at dinner!" Scorpius yelled, and with that, he went to go find Rose Granger- Weasley and Nyx Light.

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