A double date in Hogsmeade and Hospital Visits

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   As the third Sunday in January approached, Scorpius woke up with a sleeping Albus by his side. Albus was curled up, his dark brown hair sticking up all over. Scorpius smiled to himself, he'd do anything for Albus.

Albus rolled onto his side, but ended up falling off of the bed and into the floor.
"Oww," he groaned, waking unexpectedly due to the fall. Scorpius stifled a laugh, instead getting up to help Albus back onto his feet.

"Thanks." Albus mumbled taking Scorpius' hand, and standing up.

"No problem." Scorpius said with a grin, as he gazed at Albus.

Albus laughed, "What, do I have drool on my cheek or something?"

Scorpius laughed, "No. Just you. Now, come on and let's get dressed, we need to go visit Nyx."

Albus grumpily trudged to his trunk and pulled out his robes, sighing and getting ready. Scorpius was already dressed when Albus walked down to the common room.

"Hey, Potter, Malfoy, we have Quidditch practice later." Leanne Kingston yelled from her place on the couch. She was one of the nicer Slytherins, and she had more Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw friends than Slytherin. She'd never admit that her friends rubbed off on her though.

"Okay, got it." Albus said, as he met up with Scorpius and took his boyfriend's hand.

Scorpius led the way to the Hospital Wing, as Albus would have gotten them lost. He'd get lost in a muggle store if given the chance, Albus was that oblivious at times. Scorpius turned a few sharp corners and veered past Mrs. Norris and Filch, as Filch would find a way to give any student a detention.

"Potter! Malfoy! Where'da ya think you're going?" He said sourly, his voice not too far off from actually being nails on a chalkboard.

"Why, we were going to the Infirmary to visit our friend, Mr. Filch." Scorpius said, attempting to use his natural charm in favor of himself and Albus.
Filch scowled, unhappy that a student was, once again, doing no wrong.

"Oh alright, but get out of here, because I can find somethin' to give yeh detention for." He said, as Mrs. Norris prowled behind him, her beady eyes watching the boys' every step of the way towards the infirmary.

Scorpius laughed, as he and Albus ran hand in hand to the hospital wing. He thought back to their first trip to Hogsmeade back from the winter break. It was his and Albus' first official date, and it was the best day ever, no matter how awkward it seemed at the time. Albus and Scorpius had gone to Hogsmeade with Rose and Kiara, on a double date of sorts on the trip at the beginning of January. Albus had begged Scorpius not to go, deciding last minute that he wanted to stay at Hogwarts and just spend time together in their dorm room.

"Albus, we're going whether you like it or not, but I can assure you that I will drag you down there if I have to." Scorpius said, smiling happily at Albus. Albus huffed, it wasn't fair, he wanted to stay inside and cuddle and just talk- not that he'd admit that he wanted to do couple-y things aloud.

"Fine, I'll get ready." Albus sighed, stomping off up the stairs to the fifth year dormitory. In reality, Albus was nervous. His stomach flipped, and his heart was near bursting with happiness and fear all at once. It was an odd feeling, love was.

Love, the one thing that could harm without intent, something so fragile that it needs to be handled like a small child, yet so harsh at times like broken glass. Love, one of the most intimate words, that meant you were so close to another being, that you could trust that the word wouldn't dare harm you or your partner, and yet, it caused people to create decisions so rash, in the name of love, when it was just a spark of the full thing.

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