An untimely homecoming

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Scorpius had been looking for Albus for at least twenty minutes, but as soon as his father had mentioned a plan, Albus was just gone.
It was as if he had vanished.

Scorpius stayed with the other Death Eaters to blend in. He'd be in trouble if he took a stand now.

Nyx had been busy escorting all of the students out from secret tunnels in the school. James had met up with her, dragging the pirates along to help.

"Hey, James, have you seen Albus?"

"No, haven't seen him in a while."
The conversation had been cut short when screams echoed from the halls.

"You go, I'll stay here and try to get these guys out." James said, keeping an oddly calm demeanor.
Nyx nodded hastily, and ran down the stairs.

She hadn't been expecting to run right into a trap- one where her best friend was being tortured, nonetheless.
Agonized screams echoed through the corridor, if this kept going, Scorpius wouldn't make it out alive.

"Leave him alone!" Nyx yelled, taking up her wand in defense.

"You'd really be willing to die for him? Because that's what will happen in the end. You walked right into our trap, and now I get double the fun." The silver mask hid the real identity of the woman, but she relished another's pain.

"I just want you to stop hurting my friend. He doesn't deserve this." Nyx said, staring at Scorpius quietly.

"I suppose we could let him go, he did lead you here anyways." The woman said.

"I'll take his place, I'll do anything..." Nyx whispered.

"Don't . . . Do it. . ." Scorpius slurred. He knew what would happen next, and he couldn't let Nyx die. Besides, he had been the traitor- the one that suggested this in the first place. The trap wouldn't have worked if anyone else were screaming in pain.

"I'm not going to watch you die, not today." Nyx said, glaring at Scorpius with a steely resolve.

Scorpius groaned, then in a split second decision, he decided to show Nyx the truth, at least that way she wouldn't die to save him.
His hand was shaking as he unbuttoned his left arm shirt cuff. He rolled the pristine white fabric up to his elbow, and lay back down from the effort that had taken.

"Now you know," he said, wincing as a wildfire of pain stung his forearm.

"Scorp. . . Why?" Nyx shook her head, refusing to believe what she saw.

Scorpius gave a feeble mocking laugh, "I would have died anyways, figured it'd be easier to protect everyone, but I only made matters worse."

"Enough of this!" A death eater snapped, "Where is James Potter, girl?"

Nyx smirked, "I'd tell you, but it seems like you'll have other trouble coming."

Fireworks popped and crackled overhead, whizzing at many of the Death Eaters. Draco ducked and ran to help his son up, and Nyx started to hex and jinx the Death Eaters whom had been scattered about.

"Come on, we have to go." Draco muttered to Scorpius.

"We need to find Albus before this gets too far out of hand." Scorpius agreed, picking his wand up and shooting off a few curses of his own.

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