Chapter 1 - "That was two years ago."

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November 11, 2018

I walked through the door when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I set down the box on the nearest chair and dug my hand down the pocket of my denim dungarees.

Chloe Miller: You sure you guys don't need help moving in?

I heard Zara muttering something under her breath as she carried another box into the flat.

"Don't mind me, Liv. Just take your time on the phone."

"It was just Chloe." I explained, sliding my phone back into my pocket and picked up the box from the chair. "She was wondering if we wanted help."

"Well, we've already got your dad and Marcus." Zara said as I followed her down the hallway. "But they're having a chitchat by the truck."

She stepped into my bedroom and placed her box on the floor.

"I just hope the building won't be like the one in Big Bang Theory. They better fix the lift soon or I need to start going to the gym if I have to take the stairs." She continued, wiping away some sweat from her forehead.

"We don't really have time to go the gym. Maybe after New Years." I chuckled and sat down on the floor with my box. I opened it and saw all of my books.

"Can you believe we're actually moving in together?" She sighed, giving me a smile. "I mean we've known each other since we were like fifteen and here we are, five years later in a flat in London."

"Crazy, isn't it?" I smiled back. I picked up the first couple of books to put in the little bookshelf dad bought me a few days ago. "Don't be surprised if Marcus stays here once in a while." I said without looking at her.

"I won't." She said. "He's been around so much lately so I'm used to it anyway."

"But I mean," I turned around to her. "Now we're living alone for the first time, so if you have a problem with him being here, you need to tell me. It's your flat as well."

"Yeah, going from living in a dorm at the university to this..." She gestured around us before looking at me again. "He's cool, so I don't think it will be a problem."

"Good, 'cause I really like him."

"You don't say." She smirked and started to leave the room to go across the hall where her own bedroom were. "I haven't seen you this happy since you were with Niall."

"That was two years ago. You need to let it go already." I chuckled.

She grinned once again before turning her back towards me, packing up one of her boxes. I picked up a huddle of books from the box in front of me and placed them nicely in the shelf. My phone buzzed again in my pocket and I thought to myself that it probably was another text from Chloe, which indeed it was.

Chloe Miller: Or are you done already? Because I'm bored so I can come over with pizza

I smiled to myself before typing in an answer.

Olivia Crawford: There are a couple of boxes left, so we'll be fine. But that pizza sounds good anyway

"Babe!" I heard a voice yelling through the flat just as I pressed send. I placed my phone on the bookshelf and bounced out from the room.

Marcus was standing by the front door with another box in his arms and a smile came creeping on my lips.

"Where do you want this one?"

"Can't you read?" I teased him. "It says "films" right there."

I pointed at the black capital letters on the side and quickly kissed him on the lips. He smiled and walked over to the sofa, putting down the box next to the TV.

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