Chapter 5 - "She's with someone else."

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Picture of Chloe.


Previously in chapter 4:

He disappeared in just a few seconds and I ignored the people that were staring at me. They probably heard everything but I couldn't care less.

Fighting over stupid things has always been our thing. We would always yell at each other over something silly and then apologise because it was impossible for us to stay mad. We loved each other a little too much to be that selfish. Letting the other one suffer by giving them the silent treatment or something else that was just as stupid. We were just kids back then and when I think about it, we didn't really know much about love. All I remember was that he was the first guy I ever loved because damn; I really loved him. I knew he was going to be my first and one true love.

And he still is.


One hour later I stumbled into my flat. I kept mumbling stuff under my breath as I kicked off my shoes. I was still wearing Niall's jacket and I realised I never even went back to the bar to get my own. Then Zara showed up from the hallway.

"You've got some serious explaining to do." She said, crossing her arms.

"Give me a minute and I'll explain everything." I mumbled and shook off the jacket and let it fall to the floor.

"Is that his jacket? What the fuck, Olivia?"

She quickly followed me into the small kitchen as I rubbed my temples.

Freaking hangover

"Okay, so things got out of hand last night..." I trailed off, opening the cabinet where we keep the coffee cups. I walked over to the coffee machine and started it before turning to face my roommate who was rather upset about this.

"I lost Chloe on the first floor and almost past out at the bar. One of the bartenders went to look for you guys, but he couldn't find you. Then the other bartender came out and started talking to me. Turns out that it was my ex, one Mr Niall Horan."

"Let me get this straight. Out of all the people who could have worked there last night, Niall showed up, out of the blue two years after we graduated, and you went back to his place?"

"I was really drunk, okay? Could barely stand on my own feet and since the other bartender couldn't find you guys, Niall offered me somewhere to sleep. I thought it was kind of sweet of him actually."

"Don't you realise how worried we were? You just disappeared and Vicky had your phone so we couldn't reach you either."

"Niall said he texted you." I frowned.

"He did... after an hour! We nearly went to the police station to tell them you were missing! And you thought it was sweet of him to take you to his place in the middle of the night, leaving us clueless? How hard was it to just stay and look for us?"

"Okay, I get it. Stop yelling at me." I said as I poured up some coffee, hoping that it would help my hangover.

"I'm sorry, but you have to understand how worried we were. And sleeping at your ex boyfriend's place while you're drunk off your ass? Not your greatest moment I must say."

"I know, I know. But I would have gone home with anyone, really."

"You could have just asked to borrow his phone or something, not his entire flat."

"Do you think I was capable of dialling someone's number when I wasn't even capable of standing up straight? I wanted to stay and wait for you, but he just wouldn't let me."

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