Chapter 6 - "You must be my replacement."

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Gif of Niall at the New Years Eve Party.


Previously in chapter 5:
"I'm sorry for ruining everything you had with her." Tyler said.

I shrugged again. "Eh. It wasn't your fault. I messed up, that's all. So, are you two together or what?"

They both laughed, making me frown a little.

"No." Tyler eventually said. "We're just friends. Too close to actually take it any further."

"It didn't sound like that when we were in high school." I grinned.

"Shut up!" Tyler gently punched me on the arm. "Hey, you're going to the New Years Eve party at Victor's place?"

"I was actually planning on going back to London."

"By yourself?" Mackenzie asked. "Wouldn't it be more fun to hang out with us?"

I thought about it for a second, before shrugging.

"You're right. Could be fun with a little reunion."   


Olivia's point of view 

A lingering buzz caught my attention. I was currently packing my bag to go back to London later this afternoon, and Zara's name showed up on the screen.


"Do you mind changing your plans for New Years?"

"What?" I questioned, frowning to myself as I picked up another shirt to put in the bag.

"I know we said we'd be back tonight, but Brooke just told me there's a party downtown with people from school."

"So? I promised Marcus we'd celebrate New Years together."

"Ask him to leave London for the weekend! I'm sure your mom would like to meet him."

I bit my bottom lip, and stopped packing for a second.

"Fine. Whose party is it?"

"Remember Victor?"


Through the kitchen window I saw a very familiar car parking outside the house. Before mom had the chance to even realise they were here, I rushed to the front door and opened it. Marcus crawled out from the front seat, flashing me a bright smile while slightly waving. Then Alex slowly got out from the passenger seat, yawning and stretching. I saw a glimpse of Chloe and Vicky in the back of Marcus' car, and they seemed to be asleep.

I decided to go out and help them with their luggage, ignoring the sound of mom's heels behind me.

"Hi babe." Marcus greeted me, giving me a quick kiss before hugging me.

"Hey. Sorry for the short notice." I apologised. "But Zara refused to leave."

"Well, I finally get to meet your mother." He smiled, lightly rocking me back and forth.

"I don't mean to bother you guys, but do you mind helping me wake them up?" Alex said, nodding towards the backseat. I stole another kiss from Marcus' lips and then I opened one of the doors, roughly shaking Chloe back to life.

"Lisa!" I heard my mother calling and before I knew it, mom was walking towards us.

"You must be Marcus."

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