Wednesday 28th January 2015
Yesterday Toffee was killed. It was about 9:15 p.m. He was hit by a car. I cried so much yesterday and today. My throat hurts from crying and trying not to cry. I stroked him and I told him I loved him and I cried. He didn't feel cold he felt like himself fluffy and soft but, he wasn't moving. He was so still. He just layer their lifeless in dad's arms. When Julie ran outside she cried and screamed so loudly. It was the worst thing ever. I just stayed inside and cried. I never knew I could scream so loudly. I miss him so much. And I will always love him.
Barely alive
General FictionSometimes do you just want to escape? Run from everything you hold dear to you. For me that isn't an option. I'm trapped inside my own prison. My own own story. But hey it could be worse. So enough dawdling let's get this party started...